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“Myopia:” The last gem of Moroccan director / actor Sanaa Akrouds


Still from “Myopia”.

This Sanaa Akroud film story is, like its title Myopia, too simple to carry the power of a deeply moving universal message.

Fatem, a robust woman from a remote Moroccan mountain village, is sent on a frivolous mission to the town where she is innocently swept aside during a street protest. She finds herself in police custody without ID and unable to say what she was doing among the demonstrators. Six months pregnant, possibly affected by tear gas from the street riot, she miscarries as she is questioned as a potential political agitator.

The following scene seems to offer redemption: we find Fatem comfortably installed in a hospital bed assisted by two social workers. But it soon becomes clear that they actually belong to an opposition party with a vested interest in her. They abandon Fatem after she does not accept their conditional aid. Now the media has been alerted and our reluctant hero, still in the hospital, his bed now adorned with flowers, is then subjected to a camera interview.

Fatem neither protests nor offers the correct answer to journalists who again attempt to use the desperate villager for their own agenda, namely to report the government’s neglect of rural development. They also suggest that the wealthier villagers are exploiting Fatem – that his own house, however dilapidated, could be taken from him. At this point, Fatem retaliates.

Fatem is played by Sanaa Akroud, also a film director. Akroud was in the famous Egyptian film Scheherazade of 2011. In Myopia, she is brilliant as a fairly disturbing villager, whether it is to inquire about a letter from an absent husband or to innocently walk around the city to the looking for an eyewear store. Akroud’s talent reaches its peak in the penultimate scene where Fatem, under relentless pressure from the journalist, invokes the security his humble home offers. In a long monologue, finally pushing back the culprits of the city, she frees herself – at least temporarily. Fatems’ outburst to defend his personal integrity might remind some viewers of a side experience in their own lives.

This story is sure to resonate with many American viewers discovering the depth of racial disparities and cracks in American democracy where agents of liberal society and opposition parties again speak to black and brown Americans and to immigrants with shallow promises of equality and reform.

Myopia, perfectly paced for the message it carries, is a beautifully executed film. It is ideal for classroom discussions and for community dialogues.

Its US Prime Minister is sponsored by the African Diaspora International Film Festival

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