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No Headaches After This Party: Hollywood’s Zoomalicous Holiday Joy


European Culture Club presented Viva LA Vino!  Party with wine tasting

European Culture Club presented Viva LA Vino! Party with wine tasting

Hollywood, California, December 18, 2020 European Culture Club, an organization dedicated to bringing a European touch to California, presented Viva LA Vino! Party. The Zoom Night included Croatian and American stars from diverse backgrounds, from Hollywood producers, musicians and wine lovers to scientists, businessesprofessionals, and Croatian Premium Wine Imports, Inc. (CPWI), an importer, distributor, and online store that ships premium Croatian wines to most states in the United States. The Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, His Excellency Pjer Simunovi, wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

European Culture Club presented Viva LA Vino!  Party with wine tasting

Matko B. Malinger, director, producer and former Croatian diplomat, is one of the founders of European cultural club and Kino Croatia, the two organizations that have presented film festivals and premieres for over 15 years in Los Angeles, at premier venues, such as the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, as well as European music, art and food events, with partners like The Peninsula Hotel Beverly Hills and others.

In addition, Dr Tihana Skaricic, aka Dr T., Doctor of Pharmacy and Integrative Medicine, and also Media Director for the European Culture Club.  In her spare time, Dr T is a pianist and singer, and she entertained guests with classic holiday songs.  In this time when we are so far apart, the European Culture Club is trying to bring people together, Dr T said, masterfully entertaining guests with Christmas carols.

In addition, Dr Tihana Skaricic, aka Dr T., Doctor of Pharmacy and Integrative Medicine, and also Media Director for the European Culture Club. In her spare time, Dr T is a pianist and singer, and she entertained guests by playing classic holiday songs.

In this time when we are so far apart, the European Culture Club is trying to bring people together, Dr T said, masterfully entertaining guests with Christmas carols.

Holiday classics were interwoven with tastings presented by three-time Croatian national champion Sinisa Lasan.  Lasan discussed a few varieties of wines from Dalmatia and Istria, including Posip, Plavacmali Rose, Teran and Plavac Mali.  And an Istrian winemaker, Ana Ritoa de Ritoa Vina, spoke about Istrian wines and Teran as the predominant red grape of Istria.

Holiday classics were interwoven with tastings presented by three-time Croatian national champion Sinisa Lasan.  Lasan discussed a few varieties of wines from Dalmatia and Istria, including Posip, Plavacmali Rose, Teran and Plavac Mali.  And an Istrian winemaker, Ana Ritoa de Ritoa Vina, spoke about Istrian wines and Teran as the predominant red grape of Istria.

Holiday classics were interwoven with tastings presented by three-time Croatian national champion Sinisa Lasan. Lasan discussed a few varieties of wines from Dalmatia and Istria, including Posip, Plavacmali Rose, Teran and Plavac Mali. And an Istrian winemaker, Ana Ritoa de Ritoa Vina, spoke about Istrian wines and Teran as the predominant red grape of Istria.

Many questions have been asked about wines. And Malinger’s conclusion is that if you dream of being in Croatia drinking Croatian wines, you just don’t have a headache.

In addition, renowned guitarist and composer Mak Grgich performed his composition from the latest album Silent Night.

At the end of the program, no one wanted to leave so the party continued with chatting.

About the European Culture Club

European Culture Club is an organization of enthusiasts dedicated to bringing a European touch to Los Angeles. The organization knows no walls, no borders, no limits. Arts, entertainment, cooking, wine, etc. Organization founder Matko B. Malinger and media director Dr. Tihana Skaricic, aka Dr. T, keep you up to date on new virtual and hybrid events. Join the @EuropeanCultureClub Facebook group.

About Croatian Premium Wine Imports (CPWI)

Based in Boston, Mass., CPWI imports, promotes and ships boutique Croatian wines to most states in the United States. The company has expanded its portfolio of wines from the Komarna region, Dubrovnik county, Dalmatia, Istria and the Croatian highlands. For more information, inquiries or to place an order online, visit contact [email protected], and followLinkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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