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Peter Gerety (Working Man): Golden Globes, Oscars for character actor?

Peter Gerety (Working Man): Golden Globes, Oscars for character actor?
Peter Gerety (Working Man): Golden Globes, Oscars for character actor?


Every once in a while, a seasoned fellow actor barges into the Golden Globes, despite the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s infatuation with red carpet-ready celebrities. So look for the character actor Peter Gerety to potentially score an offer when the HFPA announces its nominations on February 3, for its heartbreaking turn in “Working Man.” And that could potentially start the ball rolling for him towards an Oscar name of the underdog.

This would be the first nomination for Gerety, who recently turned 80 and who, after working on stage and on screen for 60 years, has arguably given his most acclaimed performance to date. In “Working Man,” he plays Allery Parkes, a factory worker in a small town in Rust Belt, who reports to work every day after the factory closes. The two-time Oscar nominated co-star Talia Shire (“The Godfather, Part II” and “Rocky”) as the devoted wife of Allery, Iola and Billy Brown (“How To Get Away With Murder”) as Walter, a passionate former colleague who befriends Allery.

SEE Exclusive video interview: Peter Gerety (‘Working Man’)

Reviews were positive for “Working Man”, who scored 73 to Metacritic and was certified fresh with an impressive 93% to Rotten tomatoes. The film was hailed for its first writer / director Robert JuryThe moving storyline and the work behind the camera, as it paints a compelling portrait of a man finding a sense of purpose amid the desperation of a struggling economy and his own personal grief and loss.

Over the past decade, the HFPA has shown a bit of love to character actors, the genre who often appear in supporting roles and who are less glamorous than their celebrity counterparts. They often present themselves in distinctive and memorable roles that sometimes surpass the more recognizable names at the top of the call sheet. And after working in the trenches for years, sometimes decades, award groups sometimes shine a light on them when they deliver a critically acclaimed performance that can’t be ignored.

Over the past decade we have seen Jacki weaver in “Animal Kingdom” (2010), Brendan Gleeson in “The Guard” (2011), Bruce Dern and June Squibb in “Nebraska” (2013), Richard jenkins in “The Shape of Water” (2018) and John C. Reilly in “Stan and Ollie” (2018), won HFPA nominations, and many of them also won Oscar nominations.

Can Gerety break through the crowded field for Best Dramatic Actor and win his long-awaited first nomination? And in this unpredictable pandemic award season, could that set the stage for a Dark Horse Oscar nomination?

Golden Globes Best Dramatic Actor Widget

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