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Smallville Lex Luthor actor Michael Rosenbaum says Snyder Cup is better hype


If you’ve been on Twitter since 2017, you’ve probably seen something related to Snyder Cut from Justice League. The elusive alternative version of the film has been the subject of speculation for years now, with a group of fans fervently hoping that Zack Snyder’s true vision for the project will come to fruition, after being forced to withdraw from covers and post- production due to a family tragedy. While it remains to be seen whether this will materialize or not, that did not prevent a passionate campaign on social networks, more recently during this Easter Sunday. Fans have used the holidays to refer to the resurrection of Superman (Henry Cavill) ‘s film – and it appears to have caused the weighing of a DC veteran. Michael Rosenbaum, who played Lex Luthor on Smallville and voiced The Flash in several animated series, recently on Twitter to talk about the existence of the Snyder Cup. While Rosenbaum clarified that he had not seen the theatrical cut of the film, he stressed that “it was better to be day and night” given all the hype from the fans.

Supporters of the movement quickly accepted Rosenbaum’s tweet, saying the finished product would absolutely bring Snyder’s true vision to life. This possibility has been fundamentally underlying within the DC fandom for years, even some of the actors in the film having opposite opinions on the subject.

“I think the public needs to see it. Obviously I am indebted to Warner and DC and I don’t know what they think about it, but as a fan, I am very, very happy to have been able to see it “Jason Momoa, who played Arthur Curry / Aquaman in the film, told MTV News.

“I do not know if [a Snyder cut] actually exists so the only way I can see it is as a business model, and I don’t know what difference it will make, “Cavill said in a previous interview.” There are stories to be told, which need to be told and adjustments which can be made, but that will make no difference. “

What do you think of Michael Rosenbaum’s position on the “Snyder Cut” of Justice League? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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