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Casting Crowns, Mac Powell, Mandisa, Andy Mineo and Zach Williams to headline Space Coast City Fest



WATCH: Space Coast CityFest is set to take control of Space Coast Daily Park March 6-7 in Viera, Fla., As promoters have announced exciting headliners at the festival’s concerts will include Casting Crowns, Mac Powell, Mandisa, Andy Mineo, Zach Williams and Social Club Misfits.


BREVARD COUNTY VIERA, FLORIDA Space Coast CityFest is set to take control of Space Coast Daily Park March 6-7 in Viera, Fla., As promoters announced the festival’s exciting headliners will include Casting Crowns , Mac Powell, Mandisa, Andy Mineo, Zach Williams and Social Club Misfits.

In addition, the energetic, positive and fun Kidz Blitz Live experience comes to Space Coast CityFest, fun and exciting activities for kids and parents alike.

“Space Coast CityFest is a region-wide evangelistic campaign focused on service to the region and the proclamation of the Good News,” said festival director Randy Burtis.

This event is completely free as over 200 churches in Brevard County made this festival possible.

Momentum is building for the two-day family festival as churches and ministries across Brevard County have come together to share hope and love with Andrew Palau.

This campaign will share the message of Jesus with thousands of participants through the love and service of the CityServe Campaign and the massive Gospel Festival.

“For years pastors and community leaders in Brevard County have prayed for a unified effort to serve the community and bring the Good News to the masses,” said Burtis.

“This is the result of years of prayer and planning by hundreds of leaders in Brevard County and the surrounding area.

“The vision is to see the Christian community come together at Space Coast Daily Park in Viera, in greater unity, service and proclamation showing the community as a whole the joy, peace and love of Jesus Christ,” Burtis said.

Space Coast City Fest organizers are looking for volunteers and you can attend a live training event or you can take the training now online HERE.


ABOVE VIDEO: Mandisa will be giving a free concert at Space Coast Daily Park in Viera during the Space Coast City Fest, scheduled for March 6-7.

ABOVE VIDEO: Casting crowns will be giving a free concert at Space Coast Daily Park in Viera during the Space Coast City Fest, scheduled for March 6-7.

Space Coast Daily Park is a 30-acre outdoor events and entertainment venue located at 6091 Stadium Parkway in Viera, next to Viera High School and across from Space Coast Stadium. (Colin Ziemer, Image SCD)


The Space Coast Daily Park in Viera, Florida was officially opened with a ribbon cutting event hosted by the Cocoa Beach Area Chamber of Commerce on November 10, 2017.

Space Coast Daily Park is a 30-acre outdoor events and entertainment venue located at 6091 Stadium Parkway in Viera, next to Viera High School and across from Space Coast Stadium.

Among the park’s facilities there are 1,500 parking spaces and a large event space, suitable for a wide variety of outdoor activities.

We are proud to be able to provide Brevard with quality family entertainment at the new Space Coast Daily Park, said Giles Malone, Partner of Space Coast Daily.

This would not have been possible without the Viera Company and the forward-thinking leadership of the members of the Brevard Public School Board and its administration.

Space Coast Daily Park recently hosted the Space Coast State Fair, East Central Florida’s largest and most popular annual family event.

This is a great example of how a public-private business can be created to benefit our community, said Tom Palermo, president and editor of Space Coast Daily.

Our goal is to provide world class entertainment in Viera as it is an ideal community and location to showcase all that Brevard has to offer.


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