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Former Armie Hammer Paige Lorenze shares disturbing photo of actor’s initial ‘carved into his pubic area with a KNIFE’


ARMIE Hammers, ex Paige Lorenze, shared a disturbing photo of the first actors she claims to have carved into her pubic area with a KNIFE.

The model, 22, who dated the actor between August and December last year, said Star Magazine about the incident, saying: You can still see it. It was extremely painful and traumatic. He told me he bragged about it to his friends.

Paige shared the image of a letter A etched into her skin


Paige shared the image of a letter A etched into her skinCredit: Instagram

Now, Paige has revealed a photo of the mark on her pubic area, which she claims was taken by Hammer, 34, during a kinky sex play that she insists has gotten out of hand.

In an interview with the, Paige shared a photo of where Armie used a sharp knife to cut his first “A” into his skin.

The model, who is 12 years her junior, said after marking her he licked the cuts from the wound.

Paige, a professional skier turned Instagram influencer, revealed the incident took place in late November last year.

Armie's lawyer responded to the allegations by telling the publication: 'These claims about Mr Hammer are patently false'


Armie’s lawyer responded to the allegations by telling the publication: ‘These claims about Mr Hammer are patently false’Credit: Instagram

She said: He would love to play with a knife, where he would wave the blade over me or slide it over my skin.

He was obsessed with it and usually he didn’t cut me.

However, that night he decided he wanted to mark me as his property and have his name engraved on my body.

He tried to rationalize it as his gesture of his commitment to us being together for the long haul.

Paige said Armie asked her, where should I put an A on you?


Paige said Armie asked her, where should I put an A on you?Credit: Instagram

I wasn’t sure he was serious, as he looked at my body and said, where should I put an A on you? Before I could process it, he plunged the tip of the knife into my flesh just above my vagina.

Following these most recent accusations, a lawyer for Mr. Hammer told the Sun US: These claims about Mr. Hammer are patently false. All interactions with this person, or one of their partners, were completely consensual in that they were fully discussed, agreed upon and mutually participatory.

“The media stories are a misguided attempt to present a one-sided narrative in an attempt to tarnish Mr. Hammers’ reputation, and the communications of those involved prove it.

NSFW DMs revealed the actor had cannibalistic tendencies


NSFW DMs revealed the actor had cannibalistic tendencies
In messages allegedly from Armie, he says he wants to drink blood from his date


In messages allegedly from Armie, he says he wants to drink blood from his date

Armiewas charged earlier this month withsend disturbing messageson cannibalism, rape fantasies,to have “slaves” and “to drink blood”.

He denied having sent the messages or engaged in these acts.

She also alleged that Armie was “100 percent serious” about having a doctor remove his lower ribs so he could “eat them.”

“He used to tell me that you can take the bottom ribs off so he can smoke them, cook them and eat them. He kept saying, ‘You don’t need it,'” she said.

Paige said she felt `` anxious and confused '' because of her alleged behavior.


Paige said she felt “ anxious and confused ” because of her alleged behavior.Credit: Instagram

During her interview with, Paige revealed that Hammer was obsessed with biting his body, begging him to allow him to take pieces of flesh from his arm, before consuming them.

The model said she laughed about it but felt “anxious and confused” because of her alleged behavior.

Describing their time together in Los Angeles as real life 50 Shades Of Gray without love, Paige said, “It was just gross and my stomach was constantly in a knot. I knew I had to get out.”

Lorenze told DailyMailTV: “I want Armie to speak to his demons, see the pain and trauma he has caused me and other women.

Armie is still married to his wife Elizabeth


Armie is still married to his wife Elizabeth Credit: Getty Images

“He says people make him ashamed of him and shouldn’t comment on his sex life, but BDSM is a smokescreen for him who wants to hurt women.

“You can be just as traumatized by consensual sex. It is unacceptable that he is forcing women to agree to let him hurt them.

Paige claimed to Star that Armie was “so lovely” at first, before “getting me into darker and darker things … he manipulated me – and I liked him – which is the scary part. “

She said she was seeing a therapist to recover from their so-called “traumatic” relationship.

“Consent is really complex, and saying yes to something doesn’t negate the trauma you might be overwhelmed with afterwards,” she said.

Armie's ex-girlfriend Courtney said he once told her he wanted to 'barbecue his ribs'


Armie’s ex-girlfriend Courtney said he once told her he wanted to ‘barbecue his ribs’Credit: Facebook

Another of Armie’s exes,Courtney Vucekovich, said he wanted to break up, barbecue and eat his ribs.

She told theDaily mail: He really meant he wanted to break one of your ribs and eat it. Like barbecue and eat it. “

When it comes to BDSM, he made it clear that it was something he was interested in very early on in the relationship and he often referred to breaking my ribs. “

Courtney, 30, alleged that they dated for four months until early October and that she signed up for a month-long rehab for trauma and PTSD to deal with their ” twisted relationship ”.

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