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West Hollywood City praises Biden administration for reversing Trump-era anti-abortion policy in Mexico City


January 28, 2021

The City of West Hollywood applauds President Biden for his support for women and reproductive justice by signing an executive order on Thursday, January 28, 2021 to reverse the Trump administration’s reinstatement of the “Mexico City policy,” a global gag rule to ban international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide or discuss abortion services from receiving federal funding.

The overthrow of the Mexico City policy by the Biden administration reflects the administration’s support for women and signals a broader commitment to protect women’s health and advance gender equality in the United States and around the world .

“All women around the world need to be in control of our bodies, our decisions and our lives,” said West Hollywood Mayor Lindsey P. Horvath. “The reestablishment of Mexico City politics in the Trump era had a devastating impact on women. In fact, it has actually served to increase unwanted pregnancies by reducing access to contraception. The Biden administration’s action to reverse the policy is great news for women, girls, and transgender people, all of whom may face reproductive health risks, and it will once again lay the groundwork for change positive outcomes for reproductive health and rights around the world. We must, however, remain vigilant in continuing to protect women’s right to reproductive freedom. Today we still see nefarious forces at work at the federal level and in state legislatures that aim to restrict women’s health and outlaw abortions. We will not stand idly by and we will not back down. The City of West Hollywood will continue to fight for women to be treated with respect and for dignified health care for all. Anything less is unacceptable. “

The Trump-era recreation of the Mexico City policy, officially released as the Global Health Assistance Life Protection Policy (PLGHA), had a detrimental impact, both on the funding received by organizations and women’s health outcomes. Global health assistance 2020 report of the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) in 2017 found at least 54 cases where NGOs did not accept US federal aid dollars because they did not want to stop advocating for access abortion or limit abortion counseling and led NGOs to forgo $ 153 million. A analysis published by U.S. public health associations in 2019 revealed a myriad of policy harms, including reduced access to contraception, concomitant increases in unwanted pregnancies and induced abortions, and negative outcomes in the areas of birth control. non-reproductive health.

The Trump administration first issued its presidential memorandum regarding Mexico City policy in January 2017. The city of West Hollywood responded in February 2017 by approving a Resolution as part of a broader response to a series of Trump-era executive actions that “undermine the rights of minority groups and turn the tide of progressive policies,” including the reinstatement of the Mexico City policy, banning to the city to do business with companies providing financial or other benefits for the President of the United States.

The Trump administration, in April 2017, then acted to cut funding through the federal Title X family planning program by signing HJ Res 43, to reverse protections put in place by the Obama administration, which sought to prevent conservative governors who oppose abortion and family planning services. The City of West Hollywood spoke out with a Official statement and approved a Resolution against such changes to the financing of Title X.

In May 2019, the city of West Hollywood became the first city in the country to take action against states that passed extreme anti-choice legislation by passing a Resolution enact financial sanctions, and the City and pro-choice organizations united on a National day of action to #StopTheBans that these states had promulgated.

The city of West Hollywood was the first city in the country, in 1993, to declare itself pro-choice. More than two decades later, West Hollywood continues its efforts to vigorously defend women’s reproductive rights and access to health care. The City of West Hollywood has continually supported state and federal legislation protecting and advancing women’s reproductive rights and access to health care and the city regularly monitors federal proposals that impact residents of West Hollywood, including including women, LGBTQ residents, people with disabilities, the elderly and people of color. and immigrants, among others.

The city of West Hollywood has declared a local emergency in response to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). Individuals are advised to stay at home as much as possible and limit close interactions to those in your household. In public, community members should maintain your space with a social (physical) distance of at least six feet, and cover your face. Public health officials recommend that everyone, even those who are vaccinated, continue to follow physical distancing and infection control guidelines and wear a clean face mask that securely covers your nose and mouth in public.

West Hollywood City Hall is currently closed to the public and has suspended all in-person transactions. Most of the city’s public buildings and facilities remain closed.

This press release was prepared by the city of west hollywood. The opinions expressed here are those of the author.

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