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Returning to action, Jagger plays a man of wealth and taste


NEW YORK It's almost 20 years since Mick Jagger last acted, but as the new movie "The Burnt Orange Heresy" shows, his chops have collected no foam.

In the film, which Sony Pictures Classics will release on Friday, Jagger co-stars alongside Claes Bang and Elizabeth Debicki as a devilish art collector who skillfully convinces an art journalist (Bang) to use a rare interview with a reclusive artist (Donald Sutherland) as an opportunity to steal one of his paintings. This is Jagger's first film since "The Man from the Fields of Elysee" in 2001. And, he says, it could be his last.

"I wish I had done a lot more actor. I just made songs here and there whenever I could," said Jagger in a telephone interview. Then he laughs. "You know, I have another job. I really have several other jobs, really."

When the 76-year-old did not play with the Rolling Stones, Jagger carved out an adventurous but adventurous career in the movies. He favored more filmmakers, working with Jean-Luc Godard, Nicolas Roeg and Werner Herzog. Acting a little less than David Bowie but more than Bob Dylan, Jagger's film career has always been fearless. He is a very good actor, even if his performances on the big screen will always be overshadowed by the gyratory spectacle of his kinetic character.

"I've always liked the idea," says Jagger, speaking by phone from France, about the comedy. "I appreciate the change of pace and the change of focus in your performance. When I play these days, it's mostly in very large seats in front of a lot of people, while when you you are on a small platter, you are making gestures much more subtly and not as elaborate. You really have to moderate it. "

Sometimes fate (and the scheduling of tours) intervened. Jagger's performance in the famous Herzog delirium "Fitzcarraldo" (1982) was interrupted because the lead role, Jason Robards, fell ill. When filming resumed in the Peruvian jungle, Jagger had a conflicting tour of the Stones. His share was cut and Klaus Kinski succeeded Robards. Herzog called Jagger's departure "one of the biggest losses I have ever experienced as a director." (Pieces from Jagger's performance can be seen in documentaries like "Burden of Dreams" and "My Best Friend".)

"It was a shame. It was a shame," says Jagger. "So Klaus Kinski did the work on it and did it better than I. However, it was an experience."

But the timing and the script were aligned for "The Burnt Orange Heresy". It is directed by Italian filmmaker Giuseppe Capotondi, whose first 2009 film "The Double Hour" has proven his talent for creating a blackish atmosphere of intrigue and mystery. "The Burnt Orange Heresy", based on the 1971 novel by Charles B. Willeford, is a genre of elegant and stylish film rarely produced, with glamorous actors in a glamorous setting (Lake Como in Italy).

When Capotondi first met Jagger in London to discuss it, he was struck by the rock star's humility. "He said," Look, I haven't done this in 20 years. I might be rusty, "" Capotondi remembers.

Jagger found ways to shape the character, giving him straightened hair and a slightly threatening Chelsea accent from the 1960s. In the film, Jagger's art dealer presents Bang writer with a kind Faustian market, and things get darker from there. Capotondi sees the character as a version of the devil – a fitting role for the writer of "Sympathy for the Devil".

"Playing the devil is something that can please most actors. He is such a serpentine character," said Capotondi. "Given the discovery of the Rolling Stones, I think this is entirely appropriate."

Jagger is less sure of the links between "The Burnt Orange Heresy" and the group's classic single from 1968, which was partially inspired by Mikhail Bulgakov's beloved Russian novel about Beelzebub in 1930s Moscow, "The Master and Margarita ", and a poem by Baudelaire. But Jagger's art dealer is, for sure, "a man of good taste", and the one who playfully swaps Jagger's demonic charisma.

"It was within my reach to make this character. I thought it would be fun to do it," says Jagger. "He charms and threatens to do what he wants. It is not a lot of screen time but it is he who initiates the action."

One of Jagger's earliest films remains one of his most famous: the mind-blowing Roeg film in 1970 "Performance", in which he plays an addictive and sexist rock star. Critically criticized upon its release, it became a cult regularly followed with Jagger's performance often ranking among the best by a musician in a film.

He played the main character in "Ned Kelly" by Tony Richardson, the "bonejacker" in cyberpunk by Victor Vacendak "Freejack (1992) and a drag queen in" Bent ". He was an executive producer of the short HBO series" Vinyl "," and produced James Brown's biopic "Get on Up". And then there are the many documentaries that have captured the Stones indelibly, including "Gimme Shelter", on the tragic concert by Altamont in 1969; "Shine a Light" by Martin Scorsese, "Brine Morgan" ; s "" Crossfire Hurricane "and the intimate but chaotic document of Godard," Sympathy for the Devil ".

"I used to say to Jean-Luc:" What does the rest of the film look like? Can you explain to me what the rest of the film looks like? "And he really couldn't. I don't think he really knew. It was like: What a genius," says Jagger.

"When I was very young, I watched a lot of foreign cinema," he adds. "I watched Roman Polanski's first films when I was a student and we thought we were great intellectuals and we were just watching foreign films and New Wave. We were very interested."

Jagger, who had heart surgery last year, is currently preparing for the North American tour of the Rolling Stones 'No Filter' tour this summer. His day job, once again, calls.

Jagger, of course, will certainly remain a film soundtrack. The Stones remain an irresistible drop of needle for countless filmmakers. (Most recently, "Sweet Virginia" lent a bright touch to the finale of "Knives Out".) But Jagger recognizes that "The Burnt Orange Heresy" could be his swan song on the big screen.

"If I'm not offered another decent role, it could be," says Jagger. Then he laughs. "It is not planned. If someone offers me something to do in the fall, I am sure I would if it was a good part."

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