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West Hollywood hosts Rocky & Bullwinkle Home on March 28


Rocky & Bullwinkle on the Sunset Boulevard / Holloway Drive triangle

If you would like to welcome Rocky & Bullwinkle to your home, the city of West Hollywood invites you to an event on March 28 to celebrate the installation of the iconic statue in the triangle at Sunset Boulevard and Holloway Drive.

The official unveiling of Rocky & Bullwinkle, which takes place at 10 a.m., will be the 75th permanent work of this type to be exhibited in West Hollywood.

The Rocky & Bullwinkle statue was originally created to celebrate the adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, a series of animated comedies featuring Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose, which appeared from November 19, 1959 to June 27, 1964. on the ABC and NBC television networks. The series was the creation of Jay Ward Productions, outside including the studio at 8218 Sunset Blvd. the statue was unveiled for the first time on September 24, 1961 by Jayne Mansfield in front of a crowd of 5,000 people. Last November, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends.

Jay Ward (founder of Jay Ward Productions) was the brain and producer of the hit TV shows, The Bullwinkle Show, The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, Mr. Peabody and Sherman, George of the Jungle, Tom Slick, Super Chicken , and Dudley Do-Right, to name a few.

The statue will be dedicated and elbow prints will be installed in cement at 10:00 a.m. on March 28 at Sunset Boulevard and at the Holloway Drive triangle in West Hollywood. Guests expected for the event include the voices of Bullwinkle (Brad Norman) and Rocky (Tara Strong) from the current Rocky and Bullwinkle show on Amazon Prime, an appearance by Fan Pickle, as Natasha Fatale, the mayor John DAmico, Tiffany Ward (daughter of Jay Ward and president of Jay Ward Productions), Amber Ward (granddaughter and vice-president of Jay Ward Productions) and Alison Martino of Vintage Los Angeles, who championed restoration and display of the statue.

In 2015, the Ward family donated the sculpture to the West Hollywoods Urban Art Collection after the closing of the Jay Ward Legacy exhibit at the Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills. After living in the lobby of City Hall for a while, the location of Sunset Boulevard and the Holloway Triangle has been approved for permanent installation. In his new house, the statue of Bullwinkle J. Moose and Rocket J. Squirrel (Rocky), is 12 feet high, a concrete and steel structure with a makeover paid for by Dreamworks Animation and a restoration by Ric Scozzari.

The Elbowprint was first introduced in 1961 during the sculptures unveiled as a cheeky response to the handprints of what was then known as the Graumans Chinese Theater (now, TCL Chinese Theater). The elbows were used in place of the hands so that no one would knock over their martini. New elbow prints from the Jay Ward Production family and key team and cast members of Jay Ward Productions' recent projects based on the original characters from the show will be captured at the signing event .

On behalf of the Ward family, I am delighted to dedicate our Rocky and Bullwinkle statue to the city of West Hollywood, said Tiffany Ward. For 52 years, the statue has been an icon on Sunset Boulevard. It just seems to me that my two favorite characters are spending their eternity – so close to their birthplace on the famous Sunset Strip.

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