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What Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra has to say about the United Arab Emirates – News


She also praised the efforts and leadership of the Sharjah leader for transforming the emirate.

The world has gotten smaller with social media and it is important to teach children to cope with the negativity that the new media is spitting out, Bollywood actress and global icon said on Wednesday. Priyanka Chopra Jonas.

"The world has become a tiny place with the Internet and everything around it," said the actor and activist at a conference on the 9th.e edition of the International Government Communication Forum (IGCF) which opened in Sharjah.

Chopra said she was happy to see Sharjah create a culture having governments to talk about communication and use entertainment to be able to do it, adding that it is "incredible" and "the need for it". 39; hour ". "It is a force to be reckoned with around the world."

Speaking to Khaleej Times in an exclusive interview on the sidelines of the conference, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who has more than 50 million followers on Instagram, admitted that it was impossible to escape to negative reviews in our time.

"There is a lot of negativity and hatred that accompanies communication and freedom of communication, because everyone has the right to say what they want and what they don't want.

"The most important thing for us is to prepare our children, the young people born in the world of social media, to learn how to fight against negativity," she added.

Urging experts and legislators to extend their support for the arts and cinema, she added: "The world is a melting pot and this is the best time to promote culture through cinema. Different does not necessarily mean scary. Those in positions of power are therefore there to send positive messages and amplify meaningful dialogue. "

She praised the efforts and leadership of the Sharjah leader for transforming the emirate over the past five decades into a regional center for cultural promotion.

"The United Arab Emirates and Sharjah are doing an incredible job with this forum, bringing together as many experts and government entities where governments and artists collaborate to spread the message as far and as widely as possible. It’s a very important time to bridge cultures and not highlight differences but focus on commonalities. My marriage sparked so much discussion about acceptance of one's cultures others ".

Sharing her thoughts on the United Arab Emirates and her travels between America and India, she concluded by saying, "Since I often continue to travel between East and West, I see myself as a bridge. I see myself as a representation of immigrants from all over the world to the United States. So we are constantly pollinating our crops. "

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