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Sue Perkins talks about her “ painful ” fallout with Paul Hollywood


“ I am devastated by what happened ”: ex-British Great Bake Off Sue Perkins host reflects on “ painful ” fallout with Paul Hollywood after leaving series

  • Sue recounted painful repercussions with the judge of the program Paul when she and her co-presenter Mel Giedroyc decided to leave the series
  • She said the couple were incredibly hurt by their feud with Hollywood after leaving the BBC hit show in 2016 with judge Mary Berry.
  • She did not go into detail, but said that Paul had previously been like a family before their acrimonious fallout

Former Great British Bake Off host Sue Perkins spoke of painful fallout with show judge Paul Hollywood when she and co-presenter Mel Giedroyc decided to leave the series.

She said the couple were incredibly hurt by their feud with Hollywood after leaving the BBC hit show in 2016 with judge Mary Berry.

Sue, 50, did not go into detail, but said that Hollywood, 54, had previously been like a family.

Opening: Former Great British Bake Off host Sue Perkins spoke of painful fallout with show judge Paul Hollywood when she and co-presenter Mel Giedroyc decided to leave the series.

Opening: Former Great British Bake Off host Sue Perkins spoke of painful fallout with show judge Paul Hollywood when she and co-presenter Mel Giedroyc decided to leave the series.

When we were there [on the show] it was really fun, she told the Table Manners podcast. And things happened that made us sad and incredibly hurt, he was always like a family, for years and years.

And it’s painful when these things end … I’m devastated by what happened but I feel like talking is not cool and you’re starting to point the finger.

Sue also claimed that British grand judge Bake OffHollywood passed on the bread it had made its own.

Difficult: she said the couple had been incredibly hurt by their feud with Hollywood after leaving the BBC hit show in 2016 with judge Mary Berry

Difficult: she said the couple had been incredibly hurt by their feud with Hollywood after leaving the BBC hit show in 2016 with judge Mary Berry

She said he would often use his mornings outside of filming to make the “ hero pastries ” that 54-year-old Paul then claimed to have made himself.

Sue explained, “I made a lot of bread – I was good enough to make bread. In fact, some of Paul Heroes’ pastries were made by me and my friends in the preparatory kitchen in the back.

Sue went on to explain that she and Mel took turns to film, so when she was not in front of the camera, she would be in the kitchen.

Main Ladies: Sue and Mel hosted Bake Off on the BBC from 2010 but did not move with the show on Channel 4 in 2017

Main Ladies: Sue and Mel hosted Bake Off on the BBC from 2010 but did not move with the show on Channel 4 in 2017

She continued, “We would alternate, so if it weren’t my morning to [film] I had basically all morning.

“So, rather than just going to watch TV, my favorite thing would be to go [bake] because I love food and cooking …

“I prepared most of the crew lunches almost every day – they had pizza and brownies and curry and everything we could scrape together.

Sue and Mel hosted Bake Off on the BBC from 2010 but did not move with the show on Channel 4 in 2017.

Completely serious: Sue also claimed that British judge The Great British Bake Off Paul had passed the bread made by her for him

Completely serious: Sue also claimed that British judge The Great British Bake Off Paul had passed the bread made by her for him

They were replaced by Noel Fielding, 46, and Sandi Toksvig, 61, who will be replaced by Matt Lucas, 46, for the next series.

Mel said she hadn’t watched the show since she left. She added: I like to think that Perks and I set the tone for this. We wanted it to be a comforting watch and I hope we have established it.

Last month, the couple shared how they stopped the first day of Bake Off because the way it was done was not nice, the producers making the competitors cry. But they came back after harsh words with the production team.

It takes the cookie! Sue said she often uses her mornings outside of filming to make `` hero pastries '' that Paul would later claim to have made himself

It takes the cookie! Sue said she often uses her mornings outside of filming to make “ hero pastries ” that Paul would later claim to have made himself

Fantastic four: The most recent series saw Paul judge alongside Prue Leith, with Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig as presenters. Sandi has now resigned and will be replaced by Matt Lucas

Fantastic four: The most recent series saw Paul judge alongside Prue Leith, with Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig as presenters. Sandi has now resigned and will be replaced by Matt Lucas


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