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“Chicago PD” Recap: Season 7, Episode 20 Finale [Spoiler] Dies


Warning: the following contains spoilers for Wednesday Chicago P.D. final season. Proceed at your own risk!

Chicago P.D. concluded season 7 on Wednesday evening by setting up one of the best in Intelligence for a very difficult eighth season.

The final revealed that Atwater was forced to hide with Doyle, the cop who pointed a gun at his head last season, and unfortunately the officer has not changed his habits since then. After racially profiling a black man walking down the street, Doyle pursued the pedestrian, who had just delivered sneakers to his cousin. But Doyle spotted drugs in the warehouse the man buried in, so he pulled out his gun and fired first. In the crossfire, Doyle was injured and ultimately died from his injuries.

When reporting on the incident to Home Affairs, Atwater had a choice: to tell the truth that Doyle had no probable cause to prosecute the man and to deal with the wrath of the police family of third generation Doyle, as Voight pointed out, or keep your mouth shut and keep watching, as Ray Price surprisingly advised. Ultimately, Atwater chose the truth and found Doyle’s supporters seated in several police cars outside his home.

Below, showrunner Rick Eid shows how Doyle’s family will bring Atwater and the Intelligence Unit to life, and talks about what’s going on for Halstead and Upton, still working in New York with the FBI . In addition, Eid teases the shocking turn that was supposed to close the final of the original season, before the global epidemic of coronavirus forced production to stop.

TVLINE | Following this finale and Atwater’s decision to tell the truth about Doyle’s actions, how much can things get worse for Atwater beyond the harassment we see at the end of the episode?
Things could go wrong for Atwater. Atwater made a courageous choice to take Doyle’s friends and family. They are also very well connected within Chicago PD and the Mayor’s office. In other words, they are a formidable enemy and will present a real challenge for Atwater.

TVLINE | How could the choice of Atwater and the repercussions of the Doyle family affect the rest of the intelligence unit? Will they also be targeted for the return of Atwater?
Chances are Voight and the rest of the intelligence will end up in the crossfire here, but they will still have Atwater’s back – no matter what. Yes, you should be worried. Doyle’s friends and family take this very seriously.

Chicago PD RecapTVLINE | We got a brief glimpse of Hailey and Jay talking on the phone, with a little joke about missing each other. How did this separation and not seeing yourself close as a partner and friend shape your feelings for each other?
These two have strong feelings for each other. there is no doubt. Being separated from each other only reinforced what they already knew: they fall in love with each other.

TVLINE | Is there anything you can share about what the finale of the original season would have looked like, and how much will be integrated into next season?
We had an exciting season finale that will likely be pushed to episode 4 or 5 of next season. I can’t really speak specifically about the episode, other than saying that someone we know is murdered.

TVLINE | Will next season move up the calendar, rather than resuming directly from this week’s final?
We will certainly resume season 8 in real time.

P.D. fans, what do you think about the end of the season? Rate it below, then hit the comments!

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