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I DON'T NEED AN ACTION CLASS Podcast hosted by Milton Justice to be released this month


I DON'T NEED AN ACTION CLASS Podcast hosted by Milton Justice to be released this month

I Don & # 39; t Need an Acting Class, a new weekly podcast hosted by the Academy and Emmy Award winner and famous actor professor Milton Justice, will be released this month, starting March 10, 2020. According to his next book of the same name, the podcast seeks to demystify the acting profession while answering the question "Why take an acting course?"

Justice was mentored by legendary Stella Adler who selected her to teach for her in Los Angeles and later appointed her as artistic director of her theater company. The list of actors he has taught, coached and performed includes: Mark Ruffalo, Margo Martindale, Bryce Dallas Howard, Kevin Bacon, Patrick Stewart, Sean Astin, Kyra Sedgwick and Chris Carmack – for not name just a few.

"Over the years, actors have started emailing me about the obstacles or confusion they faced while trying to use what they had learned in class or in rehearsal, "explains Justice.

The podcast and book were born out of this email-teacher-student correspondence, with each episode exploring a different subject from Stanislavsky's method, presenting practical tools for solving seemingly universal problems. for the actors.

I Don & # 39; t Need an Acting Class will be produced by radio veteran Walker Vreeland.

"Our intention is for the podcast to be interactive, which will encourage listeners to send us questions or new challenges that can be resolved in future episodes," said Vreeland. "It is basically a virtual master class with one of the great actor teachers of our time, and I think it is destined to become the priceless new audio resource of every actor . "

Milton Justice is an Oscar and Emmy award-winning producer who began his career as an assistant director at the New York Shakespeare Festival and has evolved between film, television and theater throughout his career. On Broadway, he produced Tennessee Williams' Vieux Carre. Off Broadway, he produced Jack Heifner & # 39; s Vanities (which became the longest-running play in history outside of Bway and performed with then unknown Kathy Bates) and Das Luscitania Songspiel (written and performed by Sigourney Weaver and Christopher Durang) with Sigourney Weaver and Christopher Durang). the 10 best plays of 1981 from the New York Times. His theatrical work in New York has earned him two Drama Desk nominations. He received an Academy Award for the production of the HBO documentary, Down and Out in America. Other notable projects include Nobody & # 39; s Child, with Marlo Thomas, who won an Emmy Award for Mrs. Thomas and a Golden Globe nomination for justice, Cindy Eller, with Pearl Bailey and Kyra Sedgwick, and Wanted : The Perfect Guy, with Ben Affleck and Madeline Kahn, who won the Emmy Awards for Madeline Kahn and Justice. Justice was selected by Stella Adler to be the first artistic director of her theater in Los Angeles. He also taught at Yale, NYU, Unitec in Auckland, New Zealand, and was dean of the Institute for Creative Arts in Seoul, Korea. In April, Justice will present a workshop at the Stanislavsky International Symposium in London. Her latest production, Losing Chase (directed by Kevin Bacon and with Helen Mirren and Kyra Sedgwick) for Showtime, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and won a Golden Globe Award for Helen Mirren. He is the author of the next publication "I Don & # 39; t Need an Acting Class" and is currently producing and directing the documentary "Daddy Dearest".

Walker Vreeland is an award-winning actor, voice-over artist, producer and playwright and radio personality living in New York. A voice familiar to Long Island and Connecticut radio audiences, he is best known for hosting The Afternoon Show on 102.5 WBAZ-FM, and as creator and host of the podcast Interview with the artist. Walker is currently lead producer of the podcast In the balance and the podcast that will soon be released "I Don & # 39; t Need an Acting Class". As a voice actor, Walker recently completed work on a new documentary series for FX Network and the German series Beat on Amazon Prime. His successful autobiographical solo game FROM SHIP TO SHAPE was the recipient of two United Solo Awards and sold out in 2017. Walker is a graduate of the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, the Walnut Hill School for the Arts and the Connecticut School of Broadcasting.

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