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Legendary Entertainment Appoints Sirena Liu CEO of China Division


21:26 PDT 04/15/2020


Patrick Brzeski

The leader has long worked in the Beijing office of the Twentieth Century Fox, where she has overseen some of the studio’s most successful local releases, including “The Martian” and “X-Men Apocalypse”.

Legendary Entertainment has appointed Sirena Liu CEO of Legendary East, the studio’s China-based division, which is responsible for the marketing, licensing and marketing of Legendary’s theatrical film and television projects in the Middle Empire market .

The announcement was made Thursday by Legendary CEO Joshua Grode, to whom Liu will report. Liu will also work closely with Mary Parent, vice president of global production for Legendary, to manage the release of studio content in the region.

Liu joined Legendary after a long stay in the Beijing office of the Twentieth Century Fox, where she led the studio’s strategy in China and led its local teams. She oversaw some of Fox’s most successful outings to China, including The Martian, Apocalypse X-Men and War for the Planet of the Apes. His team was also responsible for the successful import of eight R-rated films from the studio – still a challenge in China’s highly regulated market – including local breakthroughs like Logan and Extraterrestrialand the prestigious drama of Fox Searchlight Three billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri.

“Sirena’s proven track record and profitability with the Chinese box office speaks for itself,” said Grode. “We are delighted to tap into his world-class experience and perspective as we continue to strengthen Legendary East’s presence in China and around the world.”

Liu said, “Legendary is a leading Hollywood studio full of energy and innovation with a goal of delivering premium content, and China remains the most exciting international film market, so the combination of Legendary and from China makes Legendary East the perfect place for me. I’m thrilled to be part of the incredible Legendary team in China, building on Legendary’s solid history of successful title releases. “

Based in Legendary’s Chinese office in east Beijing, Liu will also work with Legendary business owner Dalian Wanda Group to develop marketing opportunities – Wanda also has the largest Chinese cinema circuit – and develop official co-production projects.

In 2019, Legendary comes out Pokemon: Detective Pikachu in China, where he earned $ 97 million out of the film’s $ 433 million worldwide box office.

Legendary’s upcoming slate includes the tentpole monster Godzilla vs. Kong and the much awaited adaptation of Denis Villeneuve Dune.

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