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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will have a “very difficult” time covering an essential expense after the release of Royal


Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex have been on everyone’s mind for months – especially when it comes to the details of Megxit. Although we have known for some time that the couple have been considering resigning from their senior executive duties, it seems there are so many meticulous details to be worked out, and just about everyone, from fans to the media, wants to know exactly what’s going on at all times.

At first, everyone thought that Meghan and Prince Harry would split their time between the United Kingdom and Canada. However, they recently surprised everyone when they decided to go to Los Angeles instead.

Chances are it will be a great experience for the Duke and Duchess since California is the country where Meghan was born and raised. She will be close to her mother, Doria Ragland, and Prince Harry can have a good time discovering a whole new place.

While it may seem like everything is just perfect right now, it turns out that Prince Harry and Meghan would have a “very difficult” time covering an essential expense after leaving the royal family.

Meghan and Prince Harry moved from the UK to L.A.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Chris Jackson / Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Earlier this year, Prince Harry and Meghan unexpectedly announced that they would resign from their posts as senior royals and become independent. The massive attention they had received was overwhelming, and the couple just wanted a quieter, more private life.

Prince Harry has lived in England all his life, and we can only imagine that leaving the place he knows and loves was not really easy for him. According to HuffPost, he and Meghan have officially moved to California and are currently moving into their new home.

Although they have not yet had the opportunity to venture out due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we look forward to knowing everything about what they decide to do first. Meghan, having spent years in Los Angeles, surely knows all the best places to go, and chances are she is anxious to show her husband her hometown.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will still receive money from Prince Charles

One of the most discussed aspects of Megxit is the fact that Meghan and Prince Harry are planning to become “financially independent” and will no longer receive funds for royal functions as they have done for several years. Although we do not know all the details of how they will earn their money, BBC News reports that Prince Harry and Meghan will still receive a portion of their income from Prince Charles in order to pay for some of their personal expenses.

At this point, no one knows whether the funding will come from the private accounts of Prince Charles or the Duchy of Cornwall. However, now that Megxit is final, they will no longer receive any payments from the sovereign grant.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will have a “very difficult” period covering an essential expense

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This afternoon, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the annual Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey on Commonwealth Day, alongside Her Majesty the Queen and members of the royal family. The Commonwealth is a global network of 54 countries, working collaboratively towards common economic, environmental, social and democratic goals, and the Service today seeks to highlight the vast community that spans all geographic regions, religions and cultures, embracing diversity among its population of 2.4 billion people, 60% of whom are under 30 years of age. As President and Vice-President of the @Queens_Commonwealth_Trust, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been passionate advocates for the Commonwealth after spending many years working closely with the next generation of Commonwealth leaders. The Commonwealth theme for 2020 is Providing a common future: connecting, innovating, transforming, with a focus on youth, the environment, trade, governance and ICT (information and communications technology) and innovation. Whether it’s working to protect the earth’s natural resources and preserving the planet for generations to come, defending fair trade and empowering the youth of today to transform the communities of tomorrow, the Service celebrates the Commonwealth’s continued commitment to providing a peaceful, prosperous and more sustainable environment. future for all. Photo PA

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While many people previously thought that Meghan and Prince Harry would use U.S. government funds to cover the essential cost of their security, it has recently been discovered that this is certainly not the case. According to Daily Mail, the couple will have to finance these expenses privately, and it may not be so easy for them.

Why not? Well, due to the current coronavirus pandemic, Meghan and Prince Harry may be struggling to earn the “significant income” that will be needed to pay for the necessary security. The coming months could be difficult, as they will find out how they will pay the very expensive security bill they will face.

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