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5 actors who deserved another photo from their superhero movie (and 5 who didn't do it)


At this time when superhero movies are king, many actors play comic book roles. These films have reinvented the careers of actors, given an emblematic role to beloved actors and provided revolutionary roles to emerging talents. But while some actors switched to multi-movie franchises, not all actors were as fortunate.

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Even in the superhero genre, some movies don't work. Due to critical backlash or poor box office performance, these actors only had one film to show off their superhero skills. Some of these actors deserve a second chance for their heroes, but for others, one was more than enough.

ten ONE MORE: Thomas Jane as Punisher

Thomas Jane as Frank Castle in the 2004 version of The Punisher

The Punisher is a character difficult to break on the big screen. Although technically considered a hero, the brutal and unforgiving way it does justice sometimes makes it look slightly better than the bad guys.

Thomas Jane found a good balance with his portrayal of Frank Castle in the 2004 big screen actioner. Jane clearly likes the character because he brought him back for a short film years later, but that would be nice for him to have another chance with a better script.

9 MORE: David Harbor as Hellboy

David Harbor as Hellboy

David Harbor is a fan favorite of Strange things and should join the MCU in the next few Black Widow. I hope it will get better than his first attempt to play a superhero in Hellboy.

Harbor and company have had a tough battle to restart this franchise for the big screen. Guillermo Del Toro had already done a wonderful job and Ron Perlman had perfected the piece. Harbor failed in comparison and it didn't help that the film was a total mess.

8 A PLUS: George Clooney as Batman

George Clooney will be the first to apologize for his role in Batman and Robin. While the film is still horrible and has cast the character for a number of years, Clooney may be a little harsh on himself.

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Without much work, Clooney makes a decent Bruce Wayne and Batman in the film. Admittedly, it is far from the worst aspect of the film. Now knowing how talented he is as an actor, it would be great to see him take a The return of Dark Knight– Batman type.

seven NOT MORE: Ben Affleck as Daredevil

Daredevil Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck is another former Batman whose time as a Caped Crusader has not been a complete success. Although the movies Affleck was part of were largely disappointing, he was praised for his version of Batman in the DCEU. However, it was his interpretation of the Marvel Daredevil character that was an even more serious mistake.

Daredevil is an interesting character, but his first adventure on the big screen was a total disappointment. The film could not decide the tone of the story and therefore felt like a big mess with Affleck giving a joyless performance as a hero. Perhaps it is wise for him to move away from the roles of superheroes.

6 A PLUS: Felicity Jones as a black cat

the Amazing Spider-Man The franchise was Sony's attempt to breathe new life into the crawler, but it failed to take off. They had big plans for the series, including several spin-offs that were teased in Amazing Spider-Man 2.

One of the spin-offs would have focused on Black Cat, which is much like the Marvel version of Catwoman. Felicity Jones set up the character in a brief appearance in Amazing Spider-Man 2 which, of course, came to nothing. Jones is a talented actress, so she deserves to do something with the character.

5 NOT MORE: Halle Berry as Catwoman

Catwoman Halle Berry Poster

Catwoman has been an iconic villain in Batman comics for years, but sometimes is also a hero in her own right. Returning during the 2000s superhero film boom, the character received the photo to make the front page of his own film with Oscar winner Halle Berry in the role.

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The film was a notorious disaster, earning horrific criticism from critics and falling at the box office. Berry, despite his obvious talents, was laughable in the role. Fortunately, she was able to show that she is still a badass with John Wick 3 but we're happy that Zoe Kravitz will take over next time.

4 A PLUS: Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler

Alan Cumming as Kurt Wagner Nightcrawler in X-Men 2 X2

the X Men the movies are so full of characters that it's hard for a mutant to really stand out. However, X2: X-Men United, it's hard to claim that anyone who stole the show as much as Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler.

Nightcrawler is a mutant who can carry at will and he opened the movie with an incredible action sequence inside the White House. Later, we got to know him better as a funny and tragic character. Unfortunately, this was Cumming's only appearance and we would love to see what he would have brought to future films.

3 MORE: Seth Rogen as a Green Hornet

Sometimes comic book movies like to stray from their sources and try something new. This was certainly the case with Green hornet who saw Seth Rogen take the role of Britt Reid, a wealthy playboy who poses as the crime fighter alongside his sidekick Kato.

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Unlike the character's original tone, Rogen embraced his comedic sensibilities for the film. While this is an interesting direction to take things, it has not been entirely successful. Rogen wasn't a very interesting hero, and fans seemed more interested in seeing a classic rendition of the character.

2 ONE MORE: Will Smith as Deadshot

Suicide Squad - Will Smith as Deadshot

While the DCEU seems to have come up with recent films, they had a rough start at the start. Suicide Squad was one of the first indicators that the cinematic universe was in trouble, as the fun story centered on the bad guys turned out to be a disappointing mess.

However, one of the highlights of the film was Will Smith as Deadshot. It was great fun to see Smith playing with a bad guy while kissing his badass side. Smith is one of the few original actors not to return for James Gunn The Suicide Squad which is a shame as he seemed to have a lot of fun with the role.

1 Fact: Ryan Reynolds as a green lantern

Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan in Green Lantern

Since the first dead Pool The film came out, it became clear that it was the superhero role that Ryan Reynolds was supposed to play. It's nice that this film finally took off because we also found a superhero that Reynolds was certainly not supposed to play.

Reynolds played the role of Hal Jordan in the evil received The Green Lantern movie. Reynolds' performance is certainly not the only problem with the film, but he seems totally confused with the cosmic hero. Of course, Reynolds is always having fun making fun of this fact.

NEXT: 10 weird Green Lantern characters we want to see in Green Lantern Corps.

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