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Where are the Outer Banks filmed? Where’s the Redfield lighthouse and the wreckage?


If you’re looking for a new vacation spot, Netflix has a suggestion. In April, the streaming giant came out Outer Banks, which is half a scorching thriller for teens and half for the Carolinas. Have you ever wondered where the magnificent sites of this new drama are and how to visit them? We have your back.

Outer Banks revolves around a group of friends who get lost in a centuries-old treasure hunt. But right now, we don’t care about this fictional sinking or the spectacle of 20 something playing a teenager is the hottest. Here is where Outer Banks was filmed – and more importantly, here’s how you can see these idyllic places for yourself.

Where is Outer Banks Turned? East Outer Banks Shot in the Outer Banks, North Carolina?

It’s a big NW. Although it shares its name with the barrier islands of North Carolina, Outer Banks was filmed in Charleston, South Carolina. According to Star News Online, the production was initially intended to shoot in Wilmington, North Carolina. This has always been the creator of the Jonas Pate series of places envisioned for his show. But Netflix pushed this place back because of anti-LGBTQ legislation from 2016. The decision was finally made to film in Charleston, a change that the creators and stars of the series supported by voice.

But not everyone was happy with the change of location. Many residents of Outer Banks and North Carolina expressed outrage on the set in Charleston. Some have already called the show for its incorrect use of foliage.

Hurricane Agatha was it Outer Banks Real?

Yes and no. There was a real hurricane Agatha, but it almost hit North Carolina. Nor was it technically a hurricane. Tropical storm Agatha started in May 2010 and caused widespread flooding in large parts of Central America. The storm left 204 dead and $ 1.1 billion in damage.

That being said, North Carolina has had its share of powerful hurricanes. Eleven Category 3 hurricanes and one Category 4 hurricane have hit the area since 1879. The last major storm was Hurricane Fran in 1996. But judging by the fact that John B and Pope were able to surf during Hurricane Agatha , this fictional storm was definitely less severe. The most recent hurricane to hit North Carolina was Hurricane Irene, which landed on the Outer Banks in Category 1 in 2011.

Where is Redfield Lighthouse Outer Banks?

Unfortunately, there is no Redfield lighthouse. But there is a lighthouse on Morris Island! All the key scenes in this series were filmed at the lighthouse on Morris Island in South Carolina. North of Folly Beach and near the southern entrance to Charleston harbor, the beacon for recreational boaters was first built in 1876. But due to shore erosion, Morris Island Light did not stay long the main lighthouse in the city. It was decommissioned in 1962 and replaced by the Charleston Light. Today it is part of the national register of historic places.

Where is the Wreck restaurant Outer Banks?

Wondering if you can eat at Kiara’s family restaurant (Madison Bailey)? Open these wallets because you can somehow. There is a restaurant called The Wreck in the real Outer Banks. Located on Hatteras Island, The Wreck Tiki Bar and the food has been open since 2011. It seems a little different from Netflix’s South Carolina interpretation of the place, but this place is most authentic for your money.

Watch Outer Banks on Netflix

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