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Joaquin Phoenix, Renee Zellweger and more among 2021 Golden Globes presenters | Entertainment


Joaquin Phoenix, Renee Zellweger and Cynthia Erivo have been confirmed as presenters for the 2021 Golden Globes.

The annual awards show is scheduled to take place on February 28, as a two-coastal show hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association has revealed the stars who will take on the presenting duties.

‘Joker’ actor Joaquin and ‘Judy’ star Renee were honored with the Globes for Best Actor and Actress in a Dramatic Film at the 2020 Awards for their respective titular roles as Arthur Fleck / Joker in the origin story of Batman’s villain and Judy Garland in the biopic.

Cynthia, meanwhile, was nominated for her portrayal of Harriet Tubman in “Harriet.”

Joining the trio is Awkwafina, who won Best Actress in a Musical / as Billi Wang in ‘The Farewell, and’ Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar ‘scribes Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo.

A tweet on the official Golden Globes Twitter page read: “We are delighted to announce Joaquin Phoenix, Erne Zellweger, @awkwafina, Cynthia Erivo, Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo as #GoldenGlobes presenters!

@nbc on Sunday 02/28 at 8P ET / 5P PT (sic) “

Additional presenters will be announced in due course.

“The Crown” tops the list of TV nominees.

The hit Netflix series received six nominations in total, including Best Performance by an Actor in a TV Series (Josh O’Connor), Best Performance by an Actress in a TV Series (Olivia Coleman and Emma Corrin) and the best TV series.

Gillian Anderson and Helena Bonham Carter were also nominated for the award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role.

“The Crown” faces competition from “Lovecraft Country”, “The Mandalorian”, “Ozark” and “Ratched” for the gong for best television series.

Elsewhere, “Emily in Paris” – the comedy-drama series about an American marketing manager working in Paris – was nominated in the categories for Best Television Series and Best Performance by an Actress as an Actress in a Television Series (Lily Collins).

“Normal People” – the romantic drama series starring Paul Mescal and Daisy Edgar-Jones – received two nominations, including one for best limited television series or film made for television.

The hit show was nominated for the coveted award alongside “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Small Ax”, “The Undoing” and “Unorthodox”.

In film categories, three women were nominated for Best Director’s Gong for the first time.

Emerald Fennell, Regina King and Chloe Zhao received nods for “Promising Young Woman”, “One Night in Miami” and “Nomadland” respectively.

“Mank,” the biographical drama film about screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz, received six nominations.

The film directed by David Fincher is in the running for Best Picture, Best Actor for Gary Oldman, Best Director for Fincher, Best Supporting Actress for Amanda Seyfried, Best Score and Best Screenplay.

Meanwhile, Sacha Baron Cohen’s ‘Borat Subsequent Moviefilm’ landed three nods.

The mock documentary – which is a sequel to 2006’s “ Borat: America’s Cultural Lessons to Benefit the Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan ” – is shortlisted for Best Picture, Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture (Maria Bakalova) and Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture (Baron Cohen).

The list of nominees was announced by Sarah Jessica Parker and Taraji P. Henson earlier this month.

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