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Howard Stern backs Britney Spears, #FreeBritney movement after years of mocking pop star


After years of making fun of Britney Spears, Howard Stern has changed his mind.

The Shock Jock is the latest figure to weigh in on growing public concerns for the pop star following the release of the documentary “Framing Britney Spears” and its course. guardianship battle with his father, Jamie Spears.

“I think I’m Free Britney now, I think I’m full on Free Britney,” Stern told his Sirius XM radio show to his co-host Robin Quivers via Variety.

Stern was referring to the growing #FreeBritney movement. Supporters of the movement believe Jamie is not only removing his daughter through guardianship, but many also wonder if her father is scouring the singer’s fortune money for himself.


Radio and TV personality Howard Stern has confirmed he has joined the #FreeBritney movement as concerns for the singer have grown since the documentary 'Framing Britney Spears' was released.

Radio and TV personality Howard Stern has confirmed he has joined the #FreeBritney movement as concerns for the singer have grown since the documentary ‘Framing Britney Spears’ was released.
(Gilbert Carrasquillo / GC Images)

According to the report, Stern on Wednesday analyzed Spears’ ability to be in charge of his finances and other areas of his life. As he wondered if she was in fact capable of taking on the responsibilities, he turned to other stars like Charlie Sheen, Gary Busey, Kanye West and Shia LaBeouf for comparison.

“Ozzy [Osbourne] bit the head of a bat in a business meeting, “Stern pointed out.” He is in charge of his own finances. “


Stern has made headlines in the past for jokes about Spears. When the singer signed on as a judge for “The X Factor” in 2012 with a $ 15 million contract, he questioned his abilities and said he planned to “tune in to see what kind of train wreck it was. “

“I think it’s a wonderful decision, Britney still thinks the Earth is flat,” Stern said. “Look, I think I was going to tune in to see her, if she can somehow work through the thing.”

Supporters of the #FreeBritney movement believe Jamie Spears is scouring the singer's fortune money for himself.

Supporters of the #FreeBritney movement believe Jamie Spears is scouring the singer’s fortune money for himself.
(Kevin Mazur / Getty Images for The Intimate Britney Spears)

Stern went on to say that he expected Spears to not bring any real substance to the competition.

“As for any real criticism, I think Simon [Cowell] and LA Reid will. I think Britney is going to sit there and eat a lollipop and wear a sexy outfit. I don’t expect big opinions from her, ”he continued.


“I think she’ll sit there like J.Lo and [say], Oh, you are wonderful. You are awesome. Do you think I could get a scent approval from this? Do you think I could star on the show? I think that’s what it is, ”he added.

Additionally, in 2003, Stern’s interview with Limp Bizkit’s Fred Durst about his supposed romance with Spears went viral. When the radio personality asked Durst to detail the seriousness of their alleged relationship, Durst replied, “Isn’t it funny to be afraid to admit it / The first night made the dog Limp l ‘hit,’ quoting his own words.

Doc “Framing Britney Spears” drew renewed attention to the singer’s superstar falls. The New York Times program has led fans of the star to speak out against Justin Timberlake and Diane Sawyer for the way they have treated the pop star in the past.


Last week, Timberlake issued an apology to Spears and Janet Jackson amid the fallout he received.

“I specifically want to apologize to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson individually, because I take care of these women and I respect them and I know I have failed. I also feel obligated to respond, in part, because everyone involved deserves better and most importantly, because this is a larger conversation that I wholeheartedly want to participate in and grow from, ”the Timberlakes statement read in part.

Actress Valerie Bertinelli and “The View” co-host Meghan McCain are just a few of the many stars who have spoken out on the documentary in favor of Spears.


Meanwhile, live performances have been scarce for the singer in recent years, as her lawyer alleged in court last year that she wouldn’t perform until her father, Jamie, was in control.

Jamie, who has denied all the rumors about himself, fought last year to have the details of the case sealed. The famous father even spoke of the movement, calling it a “joke”.

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