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Actor Adam Pally sells chic rug in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood for $ 4.1 million


Star “Happy Endings” Adam pally seeks a satisfactory conclusion to place his New York City house on the market. The five bedroom mansion with panoramic views is available for $ 4,095,000.

The actor paid $ 3.2 million for the luxury apartment in 2017. With five bedrooms and three bathrooms, the “meticulously and carefully renovated” high-floor residence offers “a pleasant and comfortable life,” according to the list.

From the entrance, the fireplace leads to the living and dining area. Along with a view, the living room includes a wood-burning fireplace, eye-catching gold fixture, and custom downlights. Herringbone wood floors run through the main living space.

A chef’s dining kitchen features Miele and Sub-Zero appliances, a wine cellar, built-in coffeemaker, double ovens, and a large pantry.

Aside from, the two-bedroom wings offer maximum privacy and a flexible layout. A new owner might choose to convert some of the rooms into offices or offices. The master bedroom has a marble bathroom, four built-in wardrobes and a view of the city.

Details include beamed ceilings, pre-war accents, walnut flooring, custom built-in lights, and plenty of closet space.

Located in the London Terrace Towers in the Chelsea district, the building was designed in 1930 by Farrar & Watmaugh. The apartment complex consists of an entire city block, with four corner buildings and around 710 apartments, both for rent and for purchase.

The skyscraper, just minutes from the High Line elevated park, has hosted many notable residents, including Bill hader, Chelsea clinton, and Tim gunn of “Project Runway”.

Amenities include full-time door attendants, a rooftop patio, indoor pool, fitness center, on-site garage, bike storage, basement laundry, and a resident manager.

Previously, Pally and his wife, Daniella Liben Pally, owned a home in Los Angeles’ Fairfax neighborhood, which they sold in 2013 for $ 1.62 million, according to the Los Angeles Times. Rated for $ 1.7 million, the 1927 Spanish-style home featured 2,400 square feet of living space, including three bedrooms, an office, fireplace, dining room, and French doors leading out to a swimming pool.

The New York native has brought his brand of humor to shows such as “Happy Endings”, “The Mindy Project” and “Making History”. Pally’s many film appearances include “Iron Man 3” and “Band Aid”. He had a voice role in “Sonic the Hedgehog”.

Curtis W. Jackson with Brown Harris Stevens owning the list.

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