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Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department is investigating Marilyn Manson over allegations of domestic violence


The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is investigating recent domestic violence allegations against Marilyn Manson, as Billboard points out. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Special Victims Office, is investigating allegations of domestic violence involving Mr. Brian Warner, also known as Marilyn Manson, who works in the music industry, said a representative of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. Billboard. The incidents occurred between 2009 and 2011 when Mr. Warner lived in the city of West Hollywood.

Pitchfork has contacted the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for comment.

On February 1, actress Evan Rachel Wood came out naming Manson as her attacker, claiming he had abused [her] horribly for years as a couple. Although she has previously spoken about her survival from domestic violence, this was the first time she had named Manson.

Manson responded with a blanket denial declaration on Instagram. Obviously, my art and my life have been the subject of controversy for a long time, but these recent claims about me are horrific distortions of reality, he wrote. My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded partners. Regardless of how and why others now choose to distort the past, it is the truth.

Following the allegations, the Mansons label, TV shows and the booking agency let him down. Several other women shared their own experiences with the singer. Jenna Jameson said in an interview with the Daily mail that Manson had fantasized about burning her alive and biting her without consent during sex. Actress Esm Bianco said New York Magazine Manson had physically and psychologically assaulted her while they were in a relationship, leave her with scars on his body and PTSD.

Wolf Alices Ellie Rowsell later said Manson attempted to film her skirt with a GoPro camera at a music festival. Phoebe Bridgers added that he once referred to a space as the r * pe room in her house.

Dita Von Teese, who had been married to Manson for a year, released a statement saying other female accounts did not match my personal experience in our 7 years together as a couple.

Read Drawing the Blurry Lines Between Marilyn Mansons and Alleged Abuse.

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