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The California Times falls back on Burbank Leader, Glendale News-Press and La Caada Valley Sun


Los Angeles Times parent company California Times folds three award-winning community newspapers that serve the cities of Burbank, Glendale and La Caada Flintridge.

Fourteen staff members learned on Thursday that they were being laid off with severance pay. Ten are members of the Los Angeles Times Guild.

7:46 a.m., April 17, 2020
An earlier version of this article misidentified the location of the Daily Pilots offices as Costa Mesa. The newspaper is based in Fountain Valley.

The move comes as The Times and other news organizations are experiencing significant losses in advertising revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic and local stay-at-home orders. Advertisers withdrew their ad purchases, forcing publishers to cut back.

The final editions of the Glendale News-Press and the Burbank Leader are scheduled for Saturday.

The La Caada Valley Sun goes to bed on April 23, with its latest issue.

The three community newspapers were an attempt to serve readers with intensely local coverage: information on city councils, school boards and high school sports mainly concerning their particular corners of a sprawling metropolis.

But the newspapers had a rich history of their own. The Burbank Leader was founded in 1985, a successor to the Burbank Daily Review, which was founded in 1908. The Glendale News-Press dates from 1905. The La Caada Valley Sun was established in 1946, helping to inaugurate the building of post-war Southern California and population boom.

The publications have each won multiple awards from the California Newspapers Publishers Assn., The Los Angeles Press Club, and other organizations.

The Los Angeles Times purchased the News-Press and Leader in 1993 and the Valley Sun in 2005. The newspapers, which were part of The Times Community News, were included in the Times and also distributed free in newspapers. local businesses and in newspaper shelves. .

The Los Angeles Times will continue to run at Glendale, Burbank and La Caada Flintridge, and the plan calls for Metro staff, who have grown since the Times became local property in 2018, to cover more important news in these areas.

The other two Times Community News publications, the Daily Pilot and TimesOC, both based in Fountain Valley, will continue to appear in Orange County.

It was a difficult business decision at a difficult time for community newspapers, made worse by the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, The California Times said in a note to readers. The three titles, while journalistically sound, operate at significant losses.

In recent years, advertising has plummeted, with companies turning to the Internet to find customers. The company produced approximately 5,000 copies of each newspaper each week.

Community papers will be archived at

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