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10 celebrities who left Hollywood for Vegas


Las Vegas is known to be America’s playground and on top of that it is also much more affordable.

It is so common for celebrities to live in Los Angeles or Hollywood since that is where the majority of movies are made. Just because it’s common to live there as a famous person, doesn’t mean celebrities would prefer to live there after reaching higher levels of fame. Las Vegas is a great alternative city for people who still want to be pretty close to Hollywood, but in a place that’s actually a lot more fun.

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The flight from Los Angeles to Hollywood is only about an hour, so the distance is not too crazy. Las Vegas is known to be America’s playground and on top of that it is also much more affordable. These are celebrities who have bought mansions in Las Vegas over the years.

ten Celine Dion

Celine Dion

Celine Dion actually has mansions all over the place, including Las Vegas, Nevada. Some of the other places include Florida, Quebec, Paris. It made sense for her property to own in Las Vegas due to her residency there in 2011. She performed regularly at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace for her fans and her show was a huge success. She finally made 427 with her last performance in 2019.

9 Floyd Mayweather

Floyd Mayweather
ABC 7 Chicago

Floyd Mayweather is known to be a boxing champion! Over the years of his career in the boxing industry, he has grown into one of the best known names of all time. He started competing in 1996 and continued to fight until 2015. He let boxing go until 2017 when he came out of retirement for a single comeback fight. The mansion he bought for himself in West Las Vegas is worth $ 10 million. He went ahead with the purchase of the mansion in 2018. The estate is 16,357 square feet.

8 Criss angel

Criss angel
las vegas review journal

The reason people know who Criss Angel is because he is a very popular magician and illusionist who rose to fame in New York City. After becoming a well-known figure in New York City, he decided to move to the Las Vegas Valley to pursue his career as a magician.

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To date, he has a net worth of around $ 50 million which is very impressive. This is probably why he can afford his $ 22 million mansion which is 20 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip.

7 Robin leach

Robin leach
las vegas review journal

Robin Leach is known to be a television personality and journalist who resides in the beautiful city of Las Vegas. Besides living in the city of Las Vegas, it also appears at red carpet events as well as at grand openings. Las Vegas is constantly having events and he is a familiar face that people will see if they regularly attend high profile events. In the summer of 2020, Robin Leach sold his Las Vegas home for over half a million dollars. It will be interesting to find out where in Las Vegas he decided to move.

6 Mike tyson

Mike tyson

Mike Tyson is another boxer on this list who owns a beautiful $ 2.5 million home in Henderson, Nevada, which is a city right next to Las Vegas, Nevada. The neighborhood he lives in is called Seven Hills and the lavish mansion he lives in is absolutely stunning from an outsider’s perspective. Mike Tyson has been a resident of Nevada since 2008 after retiring from his boxing career in 2006. His boxing career was pretty amazing in his day since he walked away with a record 50 wins.

5 Holly madison

Holly madison
afari wallpapers

Former Playboy Bunny Holly Madison rose from modeling as a playmate to starring on the hit reality show The girls next doorwith Hugh Hefner. After the show ends, Holly Madison ended up moving to Las Vegas herself to start on a reality show focused on her own life.

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The show, Holly’s world, documented what her life was like when she lived, worked and dated in the city of Las Vegas. Even now that her reality TV career is over, she still resides in Las Vegas.

4 Coolio


Coolio is known to be a rapper, actor and producer. For several years now, he resides in the city of Las VegasIn 2010, he explained how California taxes were too much to handle and that Las Vegas was definitely a much better place for him. After releasing his album Gangsta’s Paradise in the late 90s, it was clear that he was always going to make history in the hip hop world.

3 Joe jackson

Joe jackson
she knows

Joe Jackson is the father of Janet Jackson and the late Michael Jackson. He also ran The Jackson Five when his children were much younger. Since my move to Las Vegas, Joe Jackson was spotted in Mandalay Bay attending Cirque du Soleil shows. Michael Jackson also lived in Las Vegas for a while before passing away in a 1.7-acre-wide mansion.

2 Flavor Flavor

Flavor Flavor
our weekly

While in Las Vegas,Flavor Flav has opened several pop-up shops and restaurants selling fried chicken over the years. Pop-up shops and restaurants are across the street and it has a reputation for closing them down as well. Flavor Flav has been spotted at casinos, including Sunset Station in Henderson, Nevada. It is part of his music career and his reality TV show.

1 Nicolas cage

Nicolas cage

Nicolas Cage not only starred in a film titled Leaving Las Vegas, but he also bought a mansion in Las Vegas for $ 6 million in 2017. The mansion has seven bedrooms, 10 full bathrooms and is over 14,000 square feet. Another interesting feature of this mansion is the fact that it has a garage for 10 cars and a nice kitchen. Las Vegas is such a beautiful city with beautiful mansions for celebrities.

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