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Emraan Hashmi calls Bollywood fake, explains distance from industry


Actor Emraan Hashmi, who has been in the film industry for almost two decades now, called it fake. He also revealed why he chooses to distance himself from the glitz and glamor once his job is done.

Emraan said it was a work ethic he followed from his early days in Bollywood. He was then asked if he stayed away because he found the industry to be bogus, where people exaggerate others but also demolish them behind their backs.

Talk to radio host Siddharth Kannan, said Emraan, Aisa toh hai (It is a fact). There are no two ways about this. This is the truth of our industry. But it’s not just because of that. I think a person’s life should be more than just their profession.

Emraan said he stays grounded because of his friends, whom he has known for years, who have nothing to do with the film industry. He also thanked his family for keeping him grounded and said he cherishes their criticism because it gives him a realistic perspective. Distancing himself from the film industry after spending so much time on set helps him maintain his sanity, he added.

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Currently, Emraan is preparing for the release of the gangster drama Sanjay Guptas Mumbai Saga, which hits theaters on March 19. The film also stars John Abraham, Kajal Agarwal, Mahesh Manjrekar, Suniel Shetty, Prateik Babbar, Rohit Roy, Gulshan Grover and Amole Gupte in key roles.

Mumbai Saga traces the journey from Bombay to Mumbai and will highlight the crucial events of the 1980s and 1990s. It marks the filmmakers’ return to the gangster-drama genre eight years after Shootout at Wadala.

After that, Emraan will be seen in Rumi Jafry’s Chehre, which also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Krystle D’Souza, Annu Kapoor, Drithiman Chatterjee and Raghubir Yadav. The film would also star Rhea Chakraborty, but she was not mentioned in the cast or featured on the poster released Tuesday. It will be released on April 30.

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