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Kate Middleton and Prince William in Ireland Duchess Kate becomes comfortable in a famous pub on the west coast of Ireland


the Duchess of Cambridge It looked like she had been a Tig Cóilí regular all her life while sitting among locals and musicians in the cozy pub of Galway, chatting with a woman with a baby while a violinist playing traditional Irish tunes.

Her and Prince William concluded their last day of their very first official tour of the Republic of Ireland with a visit to the west coast, where they chatted with the crowd on the streets of Galway and tried their hand at the traditional sports of hurling and football Gaelic.

It is a great year for Galway, which is the European Capital of Culture 2020, which partly explains why it was included in the route of the royal family.

During her outing in the windy fields of Salthill, where hurling and Gaelic are played by the Atlantic Ocean, Duchess Kate remained wrapped in a red cashmere sweater from Really Wild, which she associated with Zara skinny jeans.

Earlier in the day, she wore a gorgeous green dress with Suzannah polka dots, continuing her green theme while she and William visit Ireland – for their arrival at Dublin Airport on Tuesday, she literally sported green from head to toe.

Related: Duchess Kate wears a sensational green dress for her arrival in Ireland and meets the president's dog!

One of her most impressive themed looks (dressed in green, of course, is a nod to her host country) came during an evening reception at the Guinness Storehouse, for which she chose a shimmering emerald metallic dress by The Vampire’s Wife (it costs $ 2,076).

As royal observers quickly pointed out, the dress is very similar to a piece of the same brand that Princess Beatrice wore at Ellie Goulding's wedding last August.

Duchess Kate has also paid tribute to Ireland in the past three days, including her pretty Creole earrings delicate clover charms, as well as his belted jacket from the Irish brand Dubarry, perfect for a romantic couple ride on a spring evening along the cliffs of Howth, which overlook the Irish Sea on the east coast.

However, one of the Duchess' most surprising looks came during a visit to the Museum of Literature.

Related: Duchess Kate explains why a new photo of Princess Charlotte is precious to her

Her bright pink dress by Oscar de la Renta, with black dots, a ruffled neck and a black belt, marks the very first time that Kate has worn a vintage piece!

She also broke the mold of her usual shiny rash, pulling her hair into a bouncy ponytail to showcase her £ 5 ($ 6.50) earrings by Accessorize.

At the event, the Duke of Cambridge, in which he said: "I am convinced that friendship, understanding and a shared vision for a peaceful and prosperous future will ensure that the unique bond and between our people is not broken. "

He continued, "My family is determined to continue playing our role in protecting, preserving and strengthening this bond."

Then, here's why we loved Duchess Kate's fashion choices during her royal tour of Pakistan!

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