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Explanation of the end of the “ boss level ”


Disclaimer: This article contains Boss level spoilers. Keep this one after watching the movie!

If you’ve ever got stuck at a video game level because you just can’t get the timing right for your jump, you know exactly how Frank Grillo’s character feels in his new Hulu movie, Boss level.

Directed by Joe Carnahan, this new sci-fi thriller is a fast-paced and fun take on the time loop genre, which also answers the age-old question of action hero movies: how the hell did he do that? Well, in the case of Grillo’s character Roy, the answer is practice, practice, practice.

But as with most time loop movies, the semantics of how a time loop doesn’t end can get tricky. The Boss level the end keeps things open, but we have our theories. Read on for Decider’s breakdown of the Boss level plot and the Boss level end, explained.

What is Frank Grillo’s Hulu movie about? What is the Boss level ground?

Roy Pulver (Grillo) is a retired Special Forces soldier who has been stuck in a time loop for months. Every day, he wakes up in his bed and immediately repels no less than twenty attempted murders by a gang of assassins. While he’s gotten pretty good at it, so far he’s never lived past 12:47 p.m. like he’s stuck on a level in a video game. And every day he has to relive the news of his ex-wife’s death.

In a flashback, we learn that the day before the time loop started, he visited his ex-wife Jemma (Naomi Watts) at her mysterious job at a high-tech research firm. Unbeknownst to her, Jemma’s creepy boss Clive Ventor (Mel Gibson) watches the security monitors.

Jemma tells Roy that she is working on something top secret that “undoes all time and space and destroys the universe if misused”. We also learn that Jemma and Roy have a son together, but that he has no idea that Roy is his father. Then Jemma urgently tells him that she wants Roy to prove himself worthy of being Joe’s father, hugs him and whispers a word in his ear: “Osiris.” Huh, that was weird!

Later that day, Jemma calls Roy at the bar and tells him that she is going to do something drastic, but before she can give him the very important information he needs to know, the call is dropped. .

Back in the time loop, Roy finds a gift from Jemma: a book titled Iset and Osiris. When Roy finally gets the chance to read the book, he learns that Iset and Osiris were husband and wife. Iset was a high Egyptian priestess who protected the dead and transported them to the afterlife. Osiris was killed by being dismembered into 14 parts and scattered across Egypt by his enemy. Then Iset resurrected her dead husband, and Osiris became the lord of the dead in the afterlife. Fun!

After much trial and error, Roy finally finds out that Jemma’s boss, Clive, plans to use Time Loop technology to rewrite history. You know, kill baby Hitler, stop 9/11, that kind of stuff. Jemma put Roy in the time loop, trusting him to stop Clive.

Hulu / courtesy Everett Collecti

How it works Boss level finish?

Roy eventually manages to kill Clivehe must learn sword fighting, but just before committing the deed, Clive informs Roy that his son is in danger. Clive also says something about Roy being “a missing mass”. Roy rushes to the video game tournament where he knows his son will be and finds him dead. He realizes that he has let his son die over 100 times. Then the world ends, probably because Clive left and rewrote history, or something like that.

Roy falls into a depression and stops trying to “win” the time loop. Then he decides to use his curls to meet his son, Joe (played by Frank Grillo’s real son, Rio Grillo). They spend dozens of days together, each time the loop resets when the world ends. Then on one of the loops, Joe reveals that he spoke to his mom on the phone that morning and that she told him to call Roy if she was in trouble. Roy realizes that Jemma did not die the morning of the Loop, and that he still has a chance to save her, but only has 14 minutes left when he wakes up to do so.

Roy arrives at the facility in 14 minutes by hijacking a helicopter. He skillfully kills everyone in the building and saves Jemma. Roy reveals how much he has come to know his son, and Jemma is touched by his dedication to fatherhood.

Boss level
Photo: Quantrell D. Colbert / Hulu

What is the Boss level end, explained?

Roy runs through a large, sophisticated time loop machine at the research center. Jemma tells him that if he “brings his mass back his mass to the heart,” the time loop will reset and then move forward. In other words, the day of the time loop will reset once more, but will not loop again. But Jemma warns him that he might not be able to do it.

“Getting in there will probably kill you, and you’ll have to repeat the day one more time,” she said. “And if you die then, there is no turning back.”

Roy enters the machine and wakes up the morning of the loop. “OK, asshole, don’t die this time,” Roy said in a voiceover. “A piece of cake.” He avoids the passage of the knife, as he always does. (And yes, I’m pretty sure he’s getting out of the way, though the shot is slightly confusing.) With that, the movie ends.

We don’t get confirmation as to whether he survived the day alive, but based on Grillo’s cocky smile and bulging muscles, I’m willing to bet he did.

What is less clear is whether Roy manages to make it to the research center within 14 minutes to save Jemma’s life. But he said “Wait for me” before getting into the machine. So I’m willing to bet he saved her too. If there’s anyone who can beat the boss level twice, it’s Frank Grillo.

look Boss level on Hulu

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