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Days Gone actor dies at age 46


Since its release in 2019 in PS4 exclusivity,Days passedhas had moderate success. After winning a Golden Joystick Award for the PlayStation game of the year, developer SIE Bend Studio has unveiled a potential sequel. However, any lawsuitDays passedHistory will never sound the same in some international outings. Portuguese actor Filipe Duarte, who played Deacon in the first match, died on Friday. He was 46 years old.

Days passedwas Duerte’s only role in a video game. Outside of the video game industry, Duarte has had a long career as a film and television actor. His latest film, Nothing ever happened, is currently in post-production.

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According to the Portuguese news site SIC Notcias,Duarte died of a heart attack. In response to the news, SIE Bend Studio chief open world developer Eric Jensen expressed condolences on Twitter, saying that Duarte “was the voice of Deacon” for many Portuguese players and fans. PlayStation Portugal also paid tribute with a tweet that thanked Duarte and called him a hero “forever”. ManyDays passedfans responded with their own thoughts in the comments. American actor Sam Witwer, who played Deacon, also paid tribute in a Twitter response.

With his death, Duarte leaves behind a long legacy of excellent work. He made his television debut in 1999 and won his first film role in 2001. His work on the 2015 filmThe invisible lifeearned him a Portuguese Golden Globe. If he had continued to work in the video game industry, Duarte might have had similar success as a voice actor. Apart from his role in the winnerDays Gone,voice actor had a bright future ahead of him.

YesDays Gone 2 is never developed, SIE Bend Studios will have to recast the role of Deacon St. John. But Filipe Duarte’s work on PS4 exclusivity will not be forgotten. While Duarte’s death is tragic, fans can find the talent of the actor in his past work. When the community celebrates “Days passedWeek “from April 20 to 26, hopefully developers and fans will take some time to remember Duarte’s contribution to the game.

Days passedis available exclusively on PlayStation 4.

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Source: Noticias SIC

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