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Alia Bhatt at Shraddha Kapoor: 5 Bollywood-approved summer fashion trends to wear at home


With the global health crisis ensuring that we don’t go out, no one has said that you can’t indulge in trends at home!

Alia Bhatt at Shraddha Kapoor: 5 Bollywood-approved summer fashion trends you can wear at homeAlia Bhatt at Shraddha Kapoor: 5 Bollywood-approved summer fashion trends you can wear at home

No one predicted the coronavirus pandemic. The global health crisis has hit all industries hard – from deliveries to stores, malls, theaters, restaurants, manufacturing, and more. People work from home. Spring and summer trends have not had a chance to take off now that social gatherings are prohibited! But that doesn’t mean you can’t get back into action and sporting trends while lounging in the comfort of your own home at the same time!
While many people are anxious to dress, here are five ways to do it while wearing the latest trends at home!

Tank Tops
The base tank has always been a huge success. Whether it’s a tight-fitting ribbed knit or just a simple cotton tank top to withstand the heat! To update your look, take inspiration from Ananya Panday on how to style perfectly for a fashionable look.

Leisure wear
The latest trend in casual wear involves comfortable sweatshirts and a hoodie, dipped in colorful and playful dyes. For more inspiration, take a look at Alia Bhatt’s comfortable loungewear, which featured a fun tie-dye color combination!

Comfortable bras
Whether it is sports bras, a bralette, comfortable knitted bras, they are all right now in the form of athletics and to be doubled as short tops! They are also an excellent case for spending time at home without doing anything!

Coordinated sets
Consider a matching outfit at home to give the impression that you’ve thought about (and made an effort) at your work since the outfit at home. It gives a well rounded look, for those occasional zoom meetings!

Pajama pants
Who says pajama pants are just for sleeping? Shraddha Kapoor wore his at the airport, proving that they are intended for outdoors, airports, runways and more! No shame in choosing the most comfortable pair of silk and lying on your sofa!

To learn more about fashion and beauty: follow @pinkvillafashion

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