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“The Office” actor John Krasinski hosted a virtual prom, and it was epic | FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV


Not only did John Krasinski host a virtual prom, but he was also the DJ.

Star “The Office” ad on his YouTube show “Some Good News”, he planned to host an online prom on Friday for high school seniors across the country who have had theirs canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Krasinski was joined by famous friends like Chance the Rapper, the costar of “The Office”, Rainn Wilson, Billie Eilish and The Jonas Brothers.

Even though all the traditional elements of the ball were missing, elders around the world managed to participate in a variety of ways.

There were proposals

Laura Stow asked her daughter Madison Simoneau at Krasinski’s virtual ball with a house sign.

Stow said that Simoneau did not want to participate in the start, but after a little persuasion, she managed to get her daughter into the ball gown she had reserved for her prom, scheduled for Saturday evening.

“This is not the ball she wanted,” Stow told CNN. “But since she was a big fan of Office, it was a good second best.”

Stow said she was happy to have shared this experience with her daughter.

Festive decorations

Tessa Martinez has not been in school since March 2 and told CNN that she has missed many senior experiences since. Her school in Washington recently announced its closure for the rest of the year and said she was disappointed that her high school experience was over.

So to cheer her up, Martinez’s parents surprised her with a decorated house and brought her a prom, a corsage of flowers and everything.

“Even though I missed the typical prom experience, it was a time when my family really got together and they still managed to have fun,” she said. “Even our neighbors were having fun and dancing to music with us on the other side of the fence.”

Great outfits

Maddie Schuetze and her friends had planned their prom in Glen Allen, Virginia for a while. She told CNN when she was canceled, of course she was upset.

“When John hosted this ball, I felt like he really cared about how we felt about missing so much from our past year, which meant a lot to me,” said Schuetze.

With her boyfriend on FaceTime in one hand and her choice dance shoes on her feet, she was able to make the most of an unhappy thing.

“I’m so glad I can still wear it because it’s my favorite dress I have ever worn,” she said.

Relived memories

Fatema Badshah, 22, told CNN that she had her prom nearly five years ago, but wanted to relive her prom night. So she put on a dress and tuned all the way from Kuwait.

“It was incredible,” she said. “My ball was good … but nothing compared to what John Krasinski and Some Good News had in store!”

Adult hoods

Stacey DeRose and her husband both work in high schools in southern Jersey and she told CNN that she attends the ball regularly as a chaperone and that she did not want this year to be different.

“We like being able to see the students outside the classroom, create memories and dance,” she said. “I am a mad teacher, and the children know that I have no problem embarrassing myself at their expense.”

The couple and their 7-year-old daughter watched Krasinski’s host, and DeRose said she thought what he did was great. Now she said that she hoped he would do something about the missed graduation.

And of course, dance

Jake Scindler told CNN that stay-at-home orders have started to increase across the country, he expected not to have a prom. When Krasinski started to publish an article on virtual hosting, he said that it had piqued his interest.

Once his 8-year-old brother Jaxson got involved, things were fun in the comfort of his home in Braintree, Massachusetts.

“Losing my ball was very difficult,” said Jake. “It’s an experience you can’t really live anywhere else, but John really blew us away with the fun special guests and the live music! He did something amazing for my class and I hope that he knows it. “

With all the unknowns that persist for these seniors, one thing is true. The Krasinki Ball had all the ingredients for an unconventional but memorable ball. Thanks to the actor from all over the world for continuing to flock to social networks for the evening.

Jenna Bernhard, a senior from Houston, Texas, celebrated with her best friend on FaceTime.

“Prom is something I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid,” she told CNN. When it was canceled, she was heartbroken.

“It (virtual ball) really made me feel that the 2020 class was not alone and that people really cared,” she said.

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