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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: The billion dollar battle explodes


There’s still no word on whether they finalized their divorce settlement, and it has now been revealed that Brad Pitt had borrowed nearly half a million dollars from Angelina Jolie.

WATCH: Angelina Jolie on how she survived Brad Pitt’s split

Last week, new financial documents revealed that the charity Brads Make It Right had received a substantial loan from his ex-wife Angelina to help finance legal proceedings for his construction of defective homes for victims of Hurricane Katrina. Now Brad feared losing his entire fortune due to persistent legal and financial problems.

Oscar winner worth approximately $ 100 million faces crippling costs in class action on behalf of residents who claim they have suffered from illnesses and problems infrastructure in their properties.

The Brads charity built 100 homes in a part of New Orleans hit particularly hard by the 2005 hurricane, but many quickly became uninhabitable due to defective building materials.

The Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation (MJP) which was created in 2003 by Angelina Jolie to help the residents of Cambodialoaned Make It Right at US $ 500.00 according to the last tax form filed by MJP.



The documents indicate that the Angelinas charity made a half-million dollar zero-rate loan to a public charity to help finance the costs of continuing lawsuits related to construction deficits in houses built for communities, which turned out to be Make It Right.

Angelina also donated $ 4.36 million from 2007 to 2009 to the Brads charity to help people who saw their homes destroyed by the hurricane, according to her tax returns for that period.

Although the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation still bears the name of Brads, he has not contributed a cent since the couple split in 2016. The past two years of tax returns indicate that Jolie has injected more than 7.5 million of dollars.

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Homeowners are now looking for more than US $ 50 million, and there are concerns that other residents may be suing their own. In addition to complaining that the houses have leaking roofs and rotten walls, residents say that toxic molds have developed, which has caused them to suffer from multiple health problems. Trudy Green’s family says it played a major role in his death in January 2018 and called on Brad and his charity to take responsibility.

In October 2019, a judge refused to allow Brads the lawyer to request the removal of the actor from the trial. But after Brad left the charity’s board last September, a representative told NBC News that he was still working with the foundation to help repair damaged homes. And it is possible that he may be held responsible if the charity loses the business.

This could make matters worse for Brad, the insurance company Make ItRights would have refused to provide coverage if the charity lost the lawsuit. This could mean that Brad could be forced to pay out of his personal fortune. In turn, he believed that this could affect the terms of the final settlement of the divorce from Angelina and Brads.

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