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Coronation Street spoilers: Yasmeen cuts Geoff’s throat


The story of domestic violence in Coronation Streets is set to intensify as poor wife Yasmeen Nazir attacks husband Geoff Metcalfe in an episode aired on May 1.

After weeks of torment at the hands of Geoff (Ian Bartholomew), Yasmeen (Shelley King) is pushed to the limit, hitting her husband with a bottle of wine in a moment of terror.

Backed into a corner by Geoff’s intimidation, Yasmeen cuts his throat with broken glass, left terrified as he falls to the ground with her husband with blood flowing from his wound. Shaking, she dials the emergency services, telling the operator that I just killed my husband.

Is Geoff’s reign of terror over? Did Yasmeen really kill her husband? And will anyone believe that she acted in self-defense after months of abuse?

In recent months, the history of domestic soap violence has seen Geoff become more and more master of his wife. The DJ not only isolated her from her friends and family, but also stole money from the pensioner, undermined her confidence, secretly installed a video surveillance system around the house, locked her in a box of magicians and even forced her to eat her pet chicken.

More recently, Yasmeen also discovered that Geoff was using an escort agency.

yasmeen geoff on the floor

The abuse continues in the coming episodes when Yasmeen discovers that she has contracted a sexually transmitted disease, Geoff blaming him for the infection. Geoff will also force his wife to wear a dress he bought for an escort, before depriving her of food.

It is this last twist that is too much for Yasmeen. Geoff has a bottle of wine on the table and food, he offers him nothing. All she wants is to eat something and hug him, King said.

She does not think coherently, she has not eaten properly for two and a half days. What it does is react like a wounded animal in a corner. She just wants everything to stop, she defends herself, she doesn’t attack her but it is he who ends up bleeding on the kitchen floor.

yasmeen geoff holding the neck

According to the actress, the wine bottle attack that followed was one of the most difficult scenes to film in the script.

There have been many very difficult scenes throughout this history. But just the technical aspect of a scene like this means that something you see that only lasts three minutes can take the whole day to film.

During the day and a half that we focused on portraying this horror, we had to stay in the moment, barely speaking outside the stage. It was also a closed set.

Everyone on the set understood and was amazing and focused on making those moments happen.

King recently appeared in a special domestic violence awareness video starring the cast of Corrie. Stars like Julie Hesmondhalgh (Hayley Cropper) and Sair Khan (Alya Nazir) appeared in the Womens Aid video to support victims of domestic violence as part of the coronavirus shutdown.

Visit our dedicated Coronation Street page for all the latest news, interviews and spoilers. If you’re looking for more to watch, check out our TV guide.

If you or someone you know is at risk for domestic violence, please can also send an email to telephone support

For emotional support, you can contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

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