Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber: a 22-year marriage of friendship and respect
During this COVID-19 lockdown, social media challenges became something to be a part of, one of them being Instagram’s #firstdatechallenge. While many celebrities have taken part in this challenge, Cindy Crawford has joined her in sharing a photo back from her “first trip” with her husband Rande Gerber in 1994.
Taking it Instagram account who has 4.7 million followers, Crawford shared the adorable picture which shows the couple standing with a beautiful beach in the background. The model subtitled the photo: “Our first trip, 1994 [sun emoji] @stephaniejcoffey put me at #firstdatechallenge … I think it counts! “
Crawford and Gerber, 57, married in 1998, and have been together for more than two decades. The couple also shared two children together, a son, Presley Walker, 20, and a daughter, Kaia Jordan, 18, two models and celebrities in their own right. Here is an overview of the relationship between Crawford and Gerber.

In 1991, Crawford, 25, married Richard Gere, 42. Speaking of her marriage, Crawford said“I think part of the problem in our relationship was that we were many other things, but I don’t know if we were ever friends as peers because I was young and it was Richard Gere.” In 1995, the duo decided to stop and Crawford then married Rande Gerber, a marriage that lasted more than 20 years.
Nightlife entrepreneur Rande Gerber met the model while she was still married to Gere. Crawford revealed to Harper’s Bazaar details of the first time she met Gerber, saying, “We met at the wedding of my agents. When I met him, I was still with Richard [Gere] and he didn’t want to go to the wedding with me Randy also had a girlfriend at the time so he wasn’t looking to meet someone either and it’s the best time to meet someone because that’s when you really are yourselves. We became friends and after Richard and I broke up, we started dating. “
Having had one of the most successful weddings in Hollywood, Gerber and Crawford attributed loyalty and long-standing love to the fact that the duo was friends first. At Oprahs Master Class, Crawford said, “We started out as friends, and I know that Rande and I will always be friends no matter what. Being rooted and based on friendship keeps the relationship high. There is always a certain level of respect We respect each other’s opinion on parenting and our personal life, but also for work … We really listen to each other. I would like this friendship in my life, whatever happens. “
Gerber had also echoed his feelings with an interview with Entertainment Tonight when he said“We started out as friends and stayed friends. You just have to keep that friendship and that fun in the relationship.”
While most Hollywood choose to have glamorous, upscale and public weddings, the duo opted for a secret wedding, so much so that the designer from Crawford was not even kept informed. In addition, they wandered down the aisle. Crawford revealed to Harper bazaar, “I actually told a stylist friend that I had to go to a black and white party, so to bring me black dresses and white dresses, because we didn’t tell anyone that we were going white dresses and it was perfect It was Galliano and I love it Of course the rest was history and the couple welcomed their first child, Presley Walker, in 1999 and their daughter Kaia Jordan in 2001.

There was a bit of trouble in this unconventional paradise when in 2004 and 2009 Gerber had to deny allegations of cheating. Waitress Harmy Kubiak revealed in 2004 that she slept with Gerber, while in 2009 two other witnesses said they were fired from work after refusing to accept Gerber’s sexual advances. Although it could have been intimidating, it seems that the couple succeeded.
Exploring their secrets for a happy life, Crawford explained how she and her husband kept things alive with date nights and a healthy sex life. We have appointment evenings. Sounds a bit cheesy, but it’s time for both of us, “she revealed to Redbook. As for the time spent in the bedroom, the model said, If you just wait for the moment to strike, you’re going to have dry spells. Sometimes you have to grease the wheels a little. You just need to make it a priority and say that tonight will be night. If you’re not in the mood, it’s pretty easy to get in the mood. “
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