Grace Leer Wins America’s Top 20 Vote
Amidst the many and varied concerns about the coronavirus pandemic, the issue may not have been as urgent as other issues, but remains a major concern for reality TV fans: American Idol to be able to continue in this new era of social distancing?
The producers of the show, of course, were thrown the whole challenge. Last week was supposed to be the start of the competitive live episodes of Season 18, but that was hastily suspended, with a “behind the scenes” clip giving the series some time to figure out what to do. (A surprising benefit from this: we got a glimpse of the remarkable new dental makeover from popular underdog Doug Kiker.)
Following this, it was announced that the program would continue, broadcast remotely from the homes of judges and candidates as they socially distance themselves and quarantine themselves according to the current “new standard”. How will it play out? Nobody knows yet (this is called “new normal” for a reason). HAVE bought a little more time on Sunday April 19 by broadcasting a second two-hour clip giving a backdrop to standout competitors.
Okay, but the only question that preoccupied almost all viewers was left out two weeks ago when two candidates who are real life friends were told they were ready to vote for it. America for the last place in the top 20.
Host Ryan Seacrest immediately set the stage, hinting that it would be night “When we find out who completes your top 20. Will it be Grace Leer with her classic country sound? Or Lauren Mascitti, with a penchant for writing songs? “
Truth be told, it was a tough decision for the panel of judges, so it must have been hard for America too. As Justice Katy Perry put it simply, “We love you both.” The choice of Leer’s song came out of the kingdom of the country with a sleek, sexy and moving “Natural Woman”, who pointed out to Bryan that she “had checked all the boxes”. Meanwhile, Mascitt has booked more countries with “Two More Bottles of Wine” by Emmylou Harris.
Both women responded with appropriate fluttery exclamations. “Oh, my God! What? It’s crazy. I don’t know how America will even decide. We thought it was the judges. Now it’s America!”
By the time Seacrest remotely flashed at the isolation candidates (in California and Tennessee, respectively) at the very end of the show, everyone was more than ready to know who was making the top 20.
After the two women admitted, unsurprisingly, that they were nervous, Seacrest revealed that Leer would continue. Leer accepted a huge hug from his mother, but soon recognized his rival and friend. “Lauren, I love you,” she shouted.
“I love you too. Congratulations, daughter,” replied Mascitti.
That has been sorted out, Seacrest told viewers: “Next Sunday, get ready to start all over again while our top 20 is happening for your votes. We are determined to stay on the air in the safest possible way. We are going to come to you from 25 different places across the country, and we even have one person in Canada. “
Viewers will receive special treatment as they are allowed inside both the candidates and the judges’ house, to gain a unique insight into each other’s personal lives. The story is really on!
American Idol broadcast (now at home) Sunday at 8 p.m. ET.
If you like a little rock in your country, you will love our new RISER:
See American Idol Competitors yesterday and today
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