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Ozark season 3 actor Joseph Sikora talks to the cast of the Netflix series and brings his “ A-Game & amp; #39;' (exclusive)


When Netflix is Ozark returns for season 3 later this month, he will introduce the newcomer to the Joseph Sikora series, who is best known for his role as Tommy in the drama Starz Power. Speaking to in a previous interview, Sikora opened up to the idea of ​​joining the cast of Backwoods' intense police drama, including how he should bring his "A-Game" during the audition for the role of recurring character.

"I'll be in five to seven episodes and it's a cool story," he shared, then comparing the character to his very memorable role in Power. "You know, the guy is right, I would say he's just more … The circumstances for him are even more unfortunate for Tommy.

"He’s a much more pathetic character, like most characters Ozark maybe Wendy is really in many ways, so it's just a totally different world and a totally different character, "he continued." I can say that there is only one similarity between the characters, and I will say that they both have like muscle cars, but other than that, they are at kilometers from each other. "

Sikora noted that he "was a fan of the series" before the coming role, which he said "was probably useful for the audition". Being a man of high confidence but of low ego, he made no presumption as to his reputation for hearing.

Highlighting the difference between working with powerful actors like Omari Hardwick and 50 Cent in a series of downtown crimes, and working with equally inimitable stars like Laura Linney and Jason Bateman in a dark rural thriller, Sikora said that it & # 39; was "night and day" different. "

Regarding 50 Cent and Hardwick, Sikora points out that he spent time "knowing [them] in the six years" and during that time he grew up to "respect both" as than men from "perspective" and "discipline."

"Jason Bateman doesn't know me of a hole in the ground," then joked Sikora, "I'm just a guy who auditioned for his show with many other guys who auditioned for the same role, so what was not a gift. They did not look for me. "

Sikora went on to joke that he was "only a guy who showed up" on the film set, and that Bateman, essentially, would not "know me" ; a hole in the ground, none of my work, anything. " None of this should be critical. Rather the reverse, in fact. Sikora says that this provided her with a welcome challenge during her audition, and for the role that lay ahead.

"It means you really have to find your ideas, your game A," he said. "You must have some humble pie. You're not Tommy from Power. You are not a leader in the series. It’s a different level of action. "

Ozark Friday, March 27 on Netflix.

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