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& # 39; Gray & # 39; s Anatomy & # 39; reveals why Alex Karev left. Fans are not happy


And then there was one.

ABC's long-standing medical drama, Grays Anatomy, told reformed bad boy Alex Karev, played by Justin Chambers, on Thursday. The network also posted a retrospective video of the characters from the show on YouTube.

Chambers' departure leaves Ellen Pompeos, the dark and curvy protagonist Meredith Gray, as the last of the five central characters, then surgical trainees still on the show, which was launched in 2005. (Chandra Wilson, as head of bullless surgery Miranda Bailey, and James Pickens, Jr., like eminence eminence James Webber, are the only other original actors to stay.)

In the episode, titled Leave a Light On, Karev sends four handwritten letters to his wife and hospital colleague, Jo (Camilla Luddington), Meredith, Bailey and Webber. He explains that he left Jo for his old flame, Izzie Stevens (played by original actress Katherine Heigl). He also reveals that he and Izzie have twins together, conceived with frozen embryos after his character left the series in season 6. Until last week, Jo and viewers had the impression that Karev was visiting his aging mother in Iowa.

The reaction of fans on social media ranged from disbelief to fury, with a number threatening to leave Grays entirely this in its 16th season on air. The answer was reminiscent of another steep exit, also paved after an actor left the series for greener pastures: the death of Dan Stevens Matthew Crawley in a car accident at Downton Abbey.

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Chambers unexpectedly announced his departure from the series in January, stating in a statement to The Times that he hoped to diversify my acting roles and my career choices. Her last appearance on the show came in Novembers My Shot, which starred patients from the Grays annals defending Merediths as she struggled to protect her medical license.

It's almost impossible to say goodbye to Alex Karev, showrunner and executive producer Krista Vernoff said on Thursday. This is as true for me and all the writers of Grays Anatomy as it is for the fans. We loved writing Alex. And we loved watching Justin Chambers paint his portrait with nuance. For 16 seasons, 16 years, we have grown up alongside Alex Karev. We were frustrated with his limits and we were inspired by his growth and we came to love him deeply and to consider him as one of our best friends. He will be sorely missed. And we will always be grateful for its impact, on our show, on our hearts, on our fans, on the world.

Chambers was not the first artist to leave Grays suddenly during his race. See: Heigl, Isaiah Washington and Patrick McDreamy Dempsey.

Fans of the series have speculated on Karev's fate since news broke in January that Chambers' latest episode had already broadcast an issue with dismay over what they saw as his mistreatment. Even before Thursday's shock, frustration over how the character was struck from the series spawned the Twitter hashtag #JusticeForKarev. The scale and suddenness of the revelations of the episodes are unlikely to calm this criticism: after all, until Leave a Light On, the disappearance of the characters was largely marginal to the intrigue of except for one episode last month in which Jo compares his situation to a bear attack in which a man cut his nose in the arm to be kept in a safe place.

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