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Four Arts overturns course on banning non-members of the O’Keeffe series – Entertainment – Palm Beach Daily News


The practice began after protesters disrupted J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon's conference on February 5 in Palm Beach.

The Society of the Four Arts has abandoned its three-week policy of restricting access to its Esther B. O’Keeffe lecture series to members only.

The organization began admitting non-members to Tuesday afternoon's talks this week for the presentation of songwriter Eric Whitacre.

The change "better respects our motto" Four Arts for All, "said President and CEO Philip Rylands. "I regretted that people may have been disappointed to come to these important conferences. I looked at empty seats and thought they could be filled more generously. "

Four Arts began banning non-members after seven environmental activists disrupted J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon on February 5 with Four Arts advisor Bonnie McElveen-Hunter. Non-members were allowed to watch live broadcasts of the talks in a conference room in the Rovensky building.

Palm Beach police, who were hired to provide security for Dimon's conference, issued written warnings for trespassing to protesters, excluding them from the Four Arts for a year.

Police continue to keep the series, "so people don't get worried," said Rylands.

The high attendance at certain conferences in the 700-seat Gubelmann auditorium contributed to the decision to restrict access to members. So far this season, Dimon, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones and republican strategist Karl Rove have had a packed meeting.

But participation was rarer for other talks. Biography lectures by Evan Thomas attracted only 195 participants, the director of the Museum of Modern Art Glenn Lowry 247 and Whitacre 181. The Four Arts closed about 180 seats at the sides of the auditorium for the presentation of Whitacre.

Meanwhile, the number of non-members watching the discussions in the screening room was 60 for Rove, 43 for Thomas and 40 for Lowry.

The change does not guarantee that non-members will get a seat in the auditorium. They are not allowed to buy tickets before 2:30 p.m. on the day of the conference and they are admitted within the limit of available places.

Upcoming conferences that are likely to be in high demand include a double bill from Fox News commentators Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson on March 17 and Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace on March 24.

If a conference is exhausted, it will be screened in the Rovensky building.

On-site parking is available only for members with Four Arts decals starting at noon on Tuesday.

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