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3 accused of 12 counts in an illegal prostitution program in North Hollywood: AG Becerra


Three people have been charged with 12 counts in an illegal prostitution operation from North Hollywood in which models were pressured to have sex for cash, the prosecutor announced on Thursday General of California Xavier Becerra.

Karine Michmichian, Dwight Cunningham and Derek Hay are charged with pimping and pimping.

Officials allege that Michmichian and Cunningham worked with a company called The Luxury Companion to solicit women for prostitution from the Hays porn agency, LA Direct Models.

Between 2017 and 2018, Hay allegedly presented clients to Michmichian and Cunningham for the purpose of prostitution, according to the criminal complaint filed with the Los Angeles County Superior Court.

The defendants have allegedly helped organize hundreds of sexual encounters involving models employed by Hay and have asked the women to guarantee payment in advance, Becerra said at a press conference on Thursday.

Michmichian and Cunningham would have benefited from these meetings through these sexual encounters by taking a “cut” of the product.

In at least one case, Michmichian and Cunningham allegedly told a model that they could get filmed with a well-known porn producer in exchange for working with them, said Becerra.

In another incident, Hay allegedly pressured one of his clients into prostitution by using exclusivity clauses in a contract to limit his access to work in porn movies.

An investigation into Hay began in 2018, said Becerra.

Five women were interviewed during the investigation of the case and are identified in the criminal complaint only by their first names.

The exploitation of young women takes a cold, hollow heart, said the attorney general.

Cunningham was arrested on Wednesday in North Hollywood and is expected to be arrested on Thursday. He is still being held in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department on bail of $ 105,000. Michmichian and Hay have not been arrested, but an arrest warrant has been issued against them.

Officials have asked anyone who believes they have been exploited by the accused to come forward by calling the hotline at 323-765-2099.

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