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"She made me and created me"


Pete Davidson may be a well-known comedian but he says Ariana Grande made him famous.

the Saturday Night Livememberrsat down for an interview with Sean Evans forFirst we feast on the hot, where he ate on some very spicy wings and touched its precedent relationship with the singer of "Thank U, Next" and how she increased her celebrity.

When asked if he could find humor in the paparazzi who followed him, he admitted that he couldn't.

"It’s really annoying because I live on Staten Island and they are coming there now because, for example, Ariana Grande made me famous and all that, so it’s her fault", he said jokingly. "She is! She sent the wolves on me. She made me and created me, or whatever they say."

Davidson, 26, added that it is "embarrassing and that sucks because I have a family that, like, my mom has to go to work and there are these f ** king weirdos outside."

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The comedian also noted that these days, photographers do not influence the way he dresses or looks.

"I'm not really trying to dress myself. I used to, when I had the" gram. "Because you're just scrolling, like, Hype Beast and you like, Oh, off-white shoes. I guess that's what cool kids wear. And then you realize, for example, when you're not online that this is what the kids broke thinks this is what the rich should wear. And that’s lame, "he said. "I stopped dressing or worrying about something like that at all. It really is a great feeling once you finally give up.

Davidson and Grande released their love story in May 2018hired in June of this year. In October, they ended their engagement.

Davidson was outspoken last month when he knew her and Grande's relationship was over. He explained to Charlamagne Tha God that the death of Mac Millers had an effect on their engagement. The rapperdeceasedin September 2018 from an accidental overdose.

I was like, listen, I understand, do whatever you have to do, I'll be here, Davidson remembered how he supported Grande while she was crying for her ex-boyfriend. I think I said: I will be here until you don't want me to be here. ""

"I pretty much knew it was over after that, added Davidson, who got engaged to Grande in June 2018, two months before Millers died. It was really awful, and I can't imagine what this s *** looks like. All I know she really loved this thing about him and that she wasn't putting on a show or anything. Damn it, pray to his family and all his friends. "

To learn more about Davidson, see below.


Pete Davidson Skips SNL Afternoon After Criticizing Casting Comrades

Pete Davidson on the prediction of his engagement with Ariana Grande was extinct after the death of Mac Miller

Pete Davidson jokes about going into weed and coke rehab at NYC Stand-Up Show

Copyright (c) 2020 CBS Studios Inc. All rights reserved.

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