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‘Mrs. Doubtfire director makes R-rated cut of classic Robin Williams movie clear


What would an R-rated version of “Mrs. Doubtfire ‘looks like?

The Internet argued for a response late last week when a viral tweet appealed to the improvisational talent of the late Robin Williams, especially when he filmed scenes for the iconic role, which is said to have resulted in so many takes that many cuts from the 1993 film now exist in PG, PG forms -13, R and NC-17 never to be seen by the public. The memorable San Francisco comedy follows Williams as a divorcee who tries to win back the trust of his ex-wife (Sally Field) and stay in touch with the children he has lost custody of by disguising himself as an elderly housekeeper.

The tweet in question refers to a Yahoo! Entertainment interview with film director Chris Columbus, who said he uses multiple cameras at once in each take in order to fully capture Williams’ comedic flair – and the reactions of the other actors, who had no idea what he would say next.

“It would be like, ‘OK, take 25!’,” Recalls actress Mara Wilson (who played Natalie, one of the kids) in a separate segment of the “Today” show in 2018. “And Robin would be different each time. ”

AFTER: ‘Mrs. Doubtfire Cast Reunite After 25 Years, Share Robin Williams Memories

So while this track from “Mrs. Doubtfire ‘trivia weren’t exactly news, the tweet nonetheless had an explosive response, with thousands of die-hard fans clamoring to see the unseen footage. And Friday, Columbus speak with Entertainment Weekly to respond to his previous claims, admitting that while there is no NC-17 cut – that was a joke, he said – the other three iterations exist, including the R cut. -rated. (The film’s final grade was PG-13.)

“The reality is there was a deal between Robin and I, that was, he was going to do one or two, three scripted takes. And then he was like, ‘So let me play.’ And we were basically going between 15 and 22 takes, I think 22 being the most I can remember, ”Columbus told Entertainment Weekly.

Let’s just say all of the unscripted lines of Williams didn’t happen in the family comedy we remember “Ms. Doubtfire ”like today, although Columbus noted that several of the takes would have resulted in a hilarious R-rated version of the film.

Will the public ever be able to witness it? It is certainly in the realm of the possible, he said.

“I would be prepared to maybe do a documentary on the making of the film and allow people to see some re-edited scenes in an R-rated version,” Columbus Told Weekly entertainment. “Problem is, I don’t remember most of the stuff. I only know what’s in the movie at this point because it’s been a long time. But I remember it was material. shockingly funny. “

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