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Review: Russian Renaissance lives up to its name – Entertainment – Palm Beach Daily News


The musical ensemble known as the Russian Renaissance is hot, and it's easy to understand why. Winner of the $ 100,000 Chamber Arts Competition in 2017, the quartet offers a new interpretation of the tradition of chamber music by performing a varied selection of music – from tango to Tchaikovsky through Red Hot Chili Peppers – on traditional Russian folk instruments. The performance of the ensemble on Wednesday evening at the Société des quatre arts was a showcase of virtuosity and creative spirit.

The ensemble includes Ivan Kuznetsov, Anastasia Zakharova, Alexander Tarasov and Ivan Vinogradov, who, respectively, play on the balalaika (a three-string instrument with a triangular body and a timbre somewhat similar to a mandolin), domra (a three-stringed instrument similar to a lute), button accordion (like a typical accordion but with circular keys on one side instead of a keyboard) and balalaika contrabasso (a much larger version of the balalaika occupying the bass range).

Assisted by microphones and amplification, these instruments combined in a powerful and dynamic mix, the collective sound of which sometimes imitated the energy of a rock concert, without the ears ringing. At other times, the band's timbre evoked more intimate settings from an Italian accordion bar or an Argentinian nightclub.

Regardless of the style, however, the group demonstrated great musical sensitivity throughout the evening, especially in its dynamic dynamic contrasts, which sometimes suddenly fell to the ground before rising.

The four performers demonstrated immense virtuosity, and the ensemble enjoyed a joyful interaction of spontaneous collaborative energy throughout the concert. For example, when musical passages were repeated, the performers offered brief improvised embellishments to the recurring melody.

On the program, many pieces of folk inspiration from South America and Europe, including tangos of the virtuoso of the French accordion Richard Galliano and the Argentinian icon of the genre , Astor Piazzolla.

Other selections included works by Brazilian singer-songwriter Egberto Gismonti and Belgian jazz guitarist-composer Django Reinhardt, as well as the Russian folk melodies' own arrangements.

However, the program also significantly incorporated popular American music – including surprise quotes from "Californication" by Red Hot Chili Peppers and "Ain & # 39; t No Sunshine When She & # 39; s Gone" by Bill Withers, as well as an arrangement of "The Sinister" by Bla Fleck. Minister. "

Other classic references have also appeared, including an arrangement of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's "Russian dance" from "Swan Lake" "and a humorous quote from" In the Hall of the Mountain King "by Edvard Grieg. "

Indeed, humor and wit were crucial elements in the performance of the ensemble. On several songs, the group ends on percussive dissonant chords, creating an air of unexpected which, paradoxically, seems to reinforce the finality of its endings. Before these final punctuations, there were fast and energetic clashes that Tarasov led with a playful race or a strident group of conflicting notes on his accordion, increasing the tension towards the satisfactory final blow of the selection.

Despite the performers' creative spirit and thoughtful programming, the diverse origins of music were sometimes guaranteed by its similarity. The minor mode setting of most of the pieces in the concert, while being an essential flavor of their various folk origins, made little difference between those of similar style.

More dramatic sets such as “ New York Tango & amp; # 39; by Galliano and “ Rhythm Futur & amp; # 39; by Reinhardt have shown tremendous textural variety and freshness of musical development, but the harmonic and textural similarities between a few consecutive selections have sometimes slowed the momentum of the kaleidoscopic program.

Despite these minor lulls in programming, however, the Russian Renaissance has soared, and members don't seem to be calming down anytime soon.

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