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International Shuttle and City Boy Make Their Bollywood Debut | Lucknow News


City international badminton player Eshan Naqvi to debut in Saina Nehwals biopic

Lucknow: Concentration, agility, courage and the ability to make quick decisions in the face of challenges are the hallmarks of a perfect athlete.
The same goes for Lucknow’s boy and international badminton player, Eshan Naqvi, who made his way to the music world and ultimately to the town of tinsel after a nagging injury forced him to leave the sports arena.
Eshan, 29, is set to make his Bollywood debut opposite Parineeti Chopra in Saina, a biopic based on the life of ace shuttler Saina Nehwal, in which he plays Parupalli Kashyap, a former badminton champion and husband of Sainas.
The film will hit screens on March 26.
Born in Lucknow, Eshan comes from a family of sportsmen. His father, Ashher Naqvi, is a football and hockey veteran who served as District Sports Officer (DSO) in Pilibhit and Lucknow and retired as Regional Sports Officer, Gorakhpur.
Her older sister, Parssa Naqvi, is also an international badminton player.
I had been drawn to badminton since I was a child. In Pilibhit, where my father was working as DSO, we had a badminton court next to our house where my older sister played. I was inspired by her and started to try my hand at the game when I was about 8 to 9 years old. Later we moved to Lucknow and I played badminton at KD Singh Babu stadium for 3-4 years, he says.
I won the State Under-13 Championship in both singles and doubles. Then I joined the Thane Bandminton Academy where I trained with my coach Shrikant Vad. There, I came into contact with international actors who helped me grow. I won the State Under-16 and Under-19 Championships and became the youngest state champion in Maharashtra at 16, Eshan adds.
Internationally, Eshan has played at the World Junior Badminton Championships in Malaysia (2009) and the Asian Junior Badminton Championships (2009). At the senior level, he represented India at the Indian Open Grand Prix Gold Championship in Chennai (2010), Australian Gold Prix (2010) and competed in the Croatian Open, Polish Open and International Romanion tournament in 2012.
However, a severe back injury forced him to hang up his boots, but the backhand made him stronger.
I was an interpreter since my childhood. I liked music, theater and mimicry. While I was resting and recovering from an injury, I began to take a serious interest in music, says Eshan, whose song Kajra mohabbat wala has garnered 3.5 million views on YouTube.
So how did Bollywood come to be?
I met the director of Saina Amol Gupte through my trainer Shrikant Vad. I first joined the project as a sports instructor at Parineeti and to help the team understand the intricacies of badminton. Later, I was selected for the role of P Kashyap after a few auditions and workshops, he says.
There is no difference between sport and theater. I put my heart in everything I do. Currently, I focus on theater and music, he adds.


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