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Five roles in the movie “One Hit Wonder” where this actor never resurfaced again


Some people stick around for a while even if they can’t find the kind of celebrity that made them famous in the first place, while others may disappear for a while and then come back. But then there are those who have an important role and end up never coming back for a number of reasons. For the purposes of this article, we are focusing on people who starred in one great movie and were never seen in another as there are a lot of people who have appeared in smaller roles but have had this. big first role and nothing else follows. When you really think about it, that defining role is how a lot of people are going to get to know a lot of actors for a while, so if there’s nothing significant that comes later, it’s easy to think that they kind of fell off the map. in terms of movies or just overall. It may be that the fame isn’t what it was meant to be or that they were trying things out to see how it turned out, but some people have decided to never set foot in the movies again.

Here are a few actors who appeared in a big movie and then faded away.

5. Jeff Cohen – The Goonies

Jeff did manage to show up in a few smaller projects after that role, but throughout his life, it’s the one role everyone has known him through, even when he finally managed to put himself in. shape and look almost completely different. He will be remembered for the Truffle Shuffle for a long time since his role as Chunk was the one that catapulted him to fame as the character has been kept in mind for decades now that he’s been a part of childhood that many. of people do not want. to let go of seeing him as one of the characters who really helped make the film what it is.

4. Danny Lloyd – The Brilliant

Danny actually tried to advance his career, but nothing ever really took off, and eventually gave in and just went to school and have a normal life. It is said that he didn’t really get to see the too scary things that happened during the film as the director kept it rather closed in order to protect him from any footage that could have been too disturbing. But strangely, Kubrick absolutely tormented Shelley Duvall as he made sure she was a nervous wreck most of the time in order to get her into character, which is pretty messed up.

3. Britney Spears – Carrefour

So yeah, Britney Spears is a huge pop star and has had a pretty successful career, but when it comes to movies, she’s only done one as a star and made an appearance in another, which we are not going to count for love. of this article. It feels like she found out that playing wasn’t all it was meant to be, or maybe she felt like she couldn’t hold on to the idea of ‘to be an actress in addition to being a popular singer. It’s hard to see her admit this, but at the same time, it’s hard to think that she ever thought she could be an actress in the first place. But for better or worse, she hasn’t returned in a starring role since.

2. Peter Ostrum – Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

To fart I didn’t even want to become an actor, but for some reason was convinced to act in this movie. To be honest it wasn’t that bad as it was a pretty decent movie although it was quite weird in some places and absolutely scary in others. The point is, it has shown that a person who is not quite an actor can come in and do the same thing that many others have spent much of their life perfecting, but while Peter was offered a chance to become a star, he made it clear. that he didn’t want anything to do with the idea and ended up disappearing after the one movie.

1. Carrie Henn – Aliens

He’s a character that we can actually to be sad since Newt was almost instantly a great character for some reason, and part of that had to be the fact that she had managed to survive for quite a while until the Marines came in and went wild. She was THE movie survivor, actually, but when the third movie arrived she was offended in one of the most horrific ways imaginable by drowning in her cryotube, which isn’t exactly a fitting ending. for someone who was able to survive a xenomorph infestation for so long.

Sometimes people just decide that playing is not for them.

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