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8 all-white Bollywood-inspired outfits for the festival


Bollywood has painted a rather colorful picture when it comes to Holi and our festive celebration of Holi shouldn’t be any different. An all-white outfit might be the hero of all Holi outfits, but why should it be dull and boring, right? Gone are the days when you wore your sturdy old clothes that you saved for Holi so you can throw them away after playing with semi and permanent colors. With more awareness for a safer, more organic approach to the festival, now’s the time to shine and look as festive as possible. Let your favorite celebrities give you all the scoop on what to wear this Holi and how to achieve style.

Also read: Holi Fashion 2021: 9 Stylish White Kurtas To Celebrate The Festival Of Colors

8 Celebrity-Approved White Outfit Ideas Perfect for Holi 2021

Come showcase your ethnic styles with these celebrity outfit ideas to turn heads.

1. An all-white suit with a colorful Dupatta

There’s no science here that nothing beats an all-white suit with a color-block dupatta for Holi. Experiment with different styles of costumes like anarkalis, angrakhas or the usual Patiala salwar kameez with colorful dupatta to break up the monotony and look like everyone’s dream desi girl like Ananya Panday look.

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2. A white crop top / tank top with denim shorts

What better way than to channel your summer vibes into a crop top and denim shorts? If you are Shanaya Kapoor a chunky silver necklace and sunglasses does the trick to make you look like a fashionista and we certainly endorse this as a fabulous choice for Holi outfit.

3. A long white dress

A summer look is incomplete without a flowing white maxi dress that calls for summer brunches and parties. So why not wear a stunning one for Holi this year? Hina Khan’s flowing white maxi dress is proof that you can always wear a white maxi dress whatever the occasion and Holi should be one of them.

4. A graceful white saree

Who said white sarees weren’t made for the holidays? If you asked us, we’d say a white saree is the penultimate ethnic choice you should make this holiday season. The grace of the charming six-meter is unparalleled and you should definitely pick one out of your many boring outfits this season, like the one Samantha Ruth Prabhu is seen in.

5. White suits with silver jewelry

The simplicity of an all-white suit and a statement element of big silver jewelry are made for bohemian dream days. Whether you choose to go bold with your jewelry or keep it simple like Sara Ali Khan, an elegant look awaits if you only choose a simple white suit and silver jewelry.

Also read: Holi Fashion 2021: 7 White Outfit Ideas So You Can Play With Colors In Style

6. The classic combination of white shirt and blue jeans

You didn’t think we were going to miss this one, did you? From brunches to casual dining, we’ve all taken the classic route at least once in our lives. So why not channel this casual chic look for this occasion too? A loose or oversized white shirt like Alia Bhatt ‘is perfect with a pair of your basic blue jeans and metallic accents to go for a great Holi outfit that we definitely endorse.

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7. Twin with Bae in All White Ethnic Sets

Holi is just another excuse to look your best in matching outfits, isn’t it? We say yes! The boho chic outfits of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas from Holi 2020 have a special place in our hearts for being so chic. The boho embroidery breaks up the monotony and makes the outfit look fun and eclectic, just for the colorful festival.

8. A white summer dress

Channel the best time of the year in a fun and flirty summer dress like Disha Patani’s for an equally fun and festive occasion. We certainly approve of a stylish sundress with a slit for a summer brunch and there’s no way we wouldn’t approve it for this colorful weather either.

Read also: Holi 2021: 8 Vibrant Dupattas To add color to your Holi outfits

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