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Bollywood movies inspired by a real-life artist


Conmen is one of the most loathsome personalities, but
Bollywood is always trying to glamorize conman's life. Bollywood often shows
the reasons why scammers are like that, and some cool stuff showing how they can
perform such acts. It makes you wonder if you should become conmen + with
a little effort and a quick mind.

The crooks are always interesting and if you don't believe it
then check out these 12 amazing Bollywood movies where the crooks and their
skills are an important part of the film. These films are appreciated by the public
not only because of his acting skills, but these films are also appreciated by fans and
critics for their captivating scripts and scripts.

We've enlisted 12 amazing Bollywood movies based on the life of
scammers or scammers. Witness the glorified life of scammers through these

12. Special 26 (2013)

Special 26 is a thriller drama with Akshay Kumar in the lead role. The film focuses on the life of a crook who makes a false raid with the group of his friends posing as tax officials or CBI.

The story is based on real incidents where some scammers actually committed such brain robberies in the 80s.

11. Dhoom 2 (2006)

How can you forget the perfectionist thief played by Hritik Roshan in Dhoom 2? The film tells how Hritik manages to steal this precious thing even when they are kept in such high security.

The film is a masterpiece and Hritik was the master of disguise and a perfect thief in the film.

10. Ladies against Ricky Bahl (2011)

Ranveer was able to embody a character as iconic as Ricky Bahl at an early stage in his career. He played the conman who stole 3 women and made them fall in love with him.

The whole movie revolved around how Ranveer Singh managed to outwit these ladies even when they were guarded enough.

9. M. Natwarlal (1979)

Natwarlal was a famous crook in India, and his name inspired the title of the film. The film M. Natwarlal is directed by Rakesh Kumar with Amitabh Bachchan, Rakha and Amjad Khan in key roles.

The film focuses on the story of a young boy named Natwar and his quest to discover the notorious bandit Vikram.

8. Bade Miyan Chote Miyan (1998)

David Dhawan Bade Miyan Chote Miyan's comedy drama starred the pair of Amitabh Bachchan and Govinda in the lead roles.

The story is funny when two police officers have changed places with their duplicates who are crooks.

7. Raja Natwarlal (2014)

Raja Natwarlal with Emraan Hashmi is one of the best con movies in Bollywood. The character of Emraan Hashmis took revenge on the gangster by trapping him for the death of his brother.

This film is hilarious and full of suspense and suspense.

6. Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye! (2008)

The Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye won the national award for best popular film. The film is based on actual Delhi Super-chor events.

It is the story of a boy who burglars in a unique style. The film is directed by Dibakar Banarjee and stars Abhay Deol in the main character.

5. Bluffmaster! (2005)

The story of the film Bluffmaster with Abhishek Bachchan is inspired by the American film Criminal. The story centers on the conman named Roy, who against everyone, even his girlfriend.

Later, his girlfriend throws him out, and he discovers that he has a tumor, so he decided to help his apprentice Dittu. Still, the climax is recorded and you can enjoy the film.

4. Bunty Aur Babli (2005)

The film Bunty and Babli focuses on the lives of two incompatible people who fall in love with each other.

What do they do? They con the people they meet. It is the most underrated conmen film in Bollywood.

3. Jewel Theif (1967)

Jewel Thief is a spy thriller. The story revolves around the son of a police commissioner who becomes the main suspect of being the thief of jewelry.

The film starred Dev Anand in the lead role.

2. Do Chor (1972)

Do Chor is a Bollywood film with Dharmendra in the lead role. The film focuses on the Bombay police who solve the chain of theft that takes place in wealthy homes.

The burglar took only one set of jewelry and left a swastika.

1. Badmaash Company (2010)

Badmaash Company is one of the great films made about scammers. The story follows a group of friends who come together to create a business that cheats people.

The film was appreciated by the public and everyone appreciates the performance of Shahid Kapoor and Anushka Sharma in the films.

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