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How Stranger Things actor Noah Schnapp became a creator to watch on TikTok


Noah Schnapp made his first TikTok video in November 2019, and has since become addicted to the short video app. His account has 7.5 million followers and continues to grow. He accumulated 94.3 million likes on 36 videos.

Schnapp is currently depicting Will Byers on the Netflix hit show Strange things, a role he has been playing since 2016. The show has been renewed for a fourth season last fall, but production was suspended after Netflix shutdown film and television production following the coronavirus pandemic.

Despite Schnapps’ famous status, his TikTok videos touch on experiences that any 15 year old could understand. Sleep through a chemistry class on Zoom? 15.1 million views. Leave your phone in airplane mode during a flight? 19.5 million views. His videos are creative and fun, which is exactly the type of content that TikTok users want to see.

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Honestly, it takes a lot of creativity to manage and it can sometimes be difficult to think of funny ideas! Schnapp said. Usually there will be a fun trend on which I will put my own twist or something hilarious will happen to me and I think it would be a perfect TikTok.

Schnapp also participates in popular trends and challenges of TikToks dance. He recently decided to compose his own dance choreography at Pia Mias Do it Again. The dance currently has 36.4 million views and has been recreated by the best creators of TikTok, Charli DAmelio and Addison rae.

He also recently relaunched his Youtube channel, a point of sale where the 15-year-old actor can create longer videos that must not respect the 15-second limit of TikToks. Due to social isolation, Schnapp is record many home videos to keep fans amused while they are bored of their minds at home, he said.

Check out my full questions and answers with Schnapp, below.

Q: How did you first hear about TikTok? When did you download the app for the first time?

A: I first heard of TikTok because all of my friends were using it and I would always see popular TikToks appear on my Instagram feed. I finally decided to download it at the end of 2019 and since then I am addicted.

Q: How do you come up with your TikTok video ideas?

A: Honestly, it takes a lot of creativity to manage and it can sometimes be difficult to think of fun ideas! Usually there will be a fun trend on which I will put my own twist or something hilarious will happen to me and I think it would be a perfect TikTok.

Q: What are some of your favorite TikTok dance challenges right now?

A: One of the most popular dances on the platform is wild dancing or something new that JLo and many other popular creators have done it.

Q: Your choreographed dance TikTok to Pia Mias Do it Again has gained a lot of attention and has been recreated by the best creators and celebrities. What was your reaction when the dance took off?

A: I posted the dance first without expecting something to come out. I was surprised to see that Charli, Addison and many other creators published my dance and made it popular. I was so excited to see so many people doing my dance.

Q: Some of my favorite videos are when Photoshop users dance with you Strange things backdrop and demogorgon relaxing just behind you. What is your reaction to fan videos like these? Are you going to create Strange thingsTikToks linked to the future?

A: I love to see fan videos appear on my page for you and I always like to comment on them. I made some Strange things linked to TikToks because my fans love it and I really plan on doing it during the filming of Stranger Things when production resumes.

Q: If you had to choose one Strange things Castmate to open a TikTok account, which would you choose?

A: I would probably choose Millie because she already has a TikTok and knows all the trends. She is also the best dancer (apart from me, of course) in our casting.

Q: You know how to comment on many videos in which you are tagged, even if the user has only 14 subscribers. Why is it important for you to interact with users on a daily basis?

A: It makes me so happy when I see fans posting videos on my page for you and I love engaging with them and seeing their reactions. I recently commented on so many of their TikToks that my whole page for you is the fans trying to get me to comment! It’s crazy! But I certainly comment on as many as possible because I know it makes them happy.

Q: Who is a TikTok creator with whom you would like to collaborate in the future?

A: I recently posted a video on my YouTube with Charli DAmelio who was such a pleasure to work with and made the video so fun and exciting. Besides her, I would certainly say that Addison Rae is one of my favorite creators on the platform because of her positivity and her dance skills.

Q: You also have a YouTube channel where you create a wide range of videos, such as the best friend challenge with Millie Bobby Brown and learning tennis from Venus Williams. Why did you decide to create a YouTube channel? Are you planning to post more videos while staying away from social media at home?

A: I decided to start a YouTube channel some time ago and it failed because I stopped posting and forgot. So a few years later, I decided that I wanted to make one for real with a team behind me. So that’s what I did and I love it! I have recorded many videos by myself at home to entertain my fans while they are bored at home.

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