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Tessa Thompson in “Westworld” “All over again” with season 3 – Variety


It's been almost two years since "Westworld" was last aired, and fans could be forgiven for having a hard time remembering exactly who escaped from the titular park at the end of the season. 2, and in which body.

Fortunately, the upcoming third season of the HBO series "gives the impression that the show is starting again", according to one of its stars, Tessa Thompson.

Talk to Variety At the star-studded Season 3 premiere at TCL Chinese Theater, Thompson spoke about what leaving Westworld himself means for the series, and expressed hope that it could explore new identities for Charlotte Hale, "if we get to do another season and a season after", that is to say.

"In a strange way, it feels like it's the first of the series again because we entered the real world and the series keeps asking the question of what does it mean human being, but that asks a host – pun intended – new questions. We have a lot of people who have come to join our cast, fresh blood, so it seems like the show starts all over again "Teased Thompson." This is a show that not only surprises the audience, but surprises the people who are lucky enough to work on it. "

One of the aforementioned beginners is Aaron Paul, whose character offers the public a different kind of human than that of the megalomaniacs who run the park and the patients who enter it for pleasure.

Bringing the show into the real world also allowed the creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy the freedom to show what the human race has to offer.

"The show had a pretty bleak view of humanity in the first two seasons. Now we can ask ourselves if humanity is embodied by what we saw in the park, "says Nolan. "If Dolores, Maeve and the rest of the hosts were only exposed to the kind of people who would go to Westworld, is that really all that humanity is made of?"

Without revealing too much, the character of Paul is someone who feels isolated from society, someone who may end up feeling more comfortable in the gifts of the hosts than Its pairs.

"We are talking about the idea that despite all of these technologies that are meant to bring us together, to make us feel more connected to others, you may still feel more lonely as a result," said Joy. "I think there is something really comparable to the loneliness that his character feels."

Speaking of connecting the dots with the current climate, "Westworld" has always stressed the dangers of letting technology take over, and Nolan discussed how clear parallels can be drawn with the impending presidential election.

"We wanted to look at a version of the future that was a linear extrapolation of what we are right now. … The idea that we locked ourselves in our own initial preferences, the idea that at some point we lose control, ”he said. "The idea of ​​a culture and a world determined by algorithms, which I think we are starting to see the effects not only of the last electoral cycle, but of this electoral cycle. Nobody is fighting fully at this point with the devil market that we have made, the amount of control that we have given up, not necessarily to other people, but to a black box that no one understands how it works. "

Following Nolan's statement, it is fair to say that Luke Hemsworth brought a lighter note to the procedure, jokingly forgetting the name of his character and joking on a particular fight scene with Evan Rachel Wood, that he can't wait to see the audience.

"It was all Evan, she's doing stuff and I'm trying to follow," said Hemsworth of the choreography of the complex sequence. "It had been a few days since I actually had bicep surgery, so I said, 'Whatever you do, don't kick my biceps. So she rather kicked my face and it was fine. "

Many familiar faces from "Westworld" were present for the big event, including Thandie Newton, as well as a group of newcomers to the world of science fiction – such as Vincent Cassel, Lena Waithe and the mountain man, NFL star Marshawn Lynch none of them had seen a single minute of the new season. So there was also a lot of excitement when the talents and producers crowded into Chinese theater, ready to experience what the world looks like beyond Westworld.

Season 3 of "Westworld" will air on March 15 on HBO.

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