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A birthday tribute to the queen of Bollywood music


Shreya Ghoshal
Shreya Ghoshal



MARCH is owned by Shreya Ghoshal because she is one year older and begins another successful tour in the UK.

The undisputed queen of Bollywood music has won countless awards and delivered timeless classics that will entertain generations to come. She showed incredible versatility with a natural singing ability in various languages ​​and genres.

Eye of the East has decided to celebrate Shreyas' birthday with an ultimate playlist that includes success for each year of his 18-year professional career…

2002: Shreya was only a teenager when she was introduced to the world with great songs in mega-blockbuster Devdas. Although Dola Re Dola is considered one of the greatest dance acts of all time, Bairi Piya was a technically brilliant track that won him a national award and was the highlight of 2002.

2003: The sensual Jaadu Hai Nasha Hai of Jism won Shreya a Filmfare Award for Best Female Reading Singer and would help speed her up to the top of the Bollywood tree. The song remains popular and can often be heard during sold-out live performances.

2004: In 2004 Shreya did a wide range of projects and lit up a pop album Tera Mera Pyar with incredible songs including the fascinating Yeh Kya Hua. The romantic number filled with feelings was better than any movie song she made that year and still captures the imagination.

2005: Shreya won a national award for a dynamic duo Dheere Jalna of Pahelibut the beautiful Agar Tum Mil Jao was a better song that touched the hearts of the listeners. The love song was nominated for the Filmfare Awards, but deserved much more.

2006: Although in Bollywood, she delivered Lage Raho Munnabhai romantic number Pal Pal Har Pal, who won award nominations, the most notable song was Munbe Vaa of Sillunu Oru Kaadhal. The Tamil song won her a Filmfare South Award and the versatile singer recorded the same number in Telugu.

2007: Shreya won the award for Best Playback Singer for Filmfare Barso Re of Guru, but did better with a prestigious national award for Jab We Met song Yeh Ishq Haye. The fun song from the romantic road movie was filled with positive energy that connected to Bollywood fans around the world.

2008: The year included a love song Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai of Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, but the duo Teri Ore of Singh Is Kinng captured everyone's imagination and won Shreya numerous awards. The song with Rahat Fateh Ali Khan has become one of the greatest Bollywood hits of all time.

2009: An exceptional musical moment in a record Bollywood film 3 idiots was Shreyas' duo with Sonu Nigam, Zoobi Doobi. But Shreyas' great moments in 2009 were Pherari Mon from the bengali movie Antaheen and Jeev rangla from the film Marathi Jogwa the awakening. The songs won him another national award.

2010: The beautiful Bahara of I hate Luv's stories had the perfect combination of romance and fun. The vocal performance was able to mix a feeling of love with other emotions like friendship and was the highlight of the film.

2011: Shreya has delivered incredible duets over the years, and another amazing one was Teri Meri from Bodyguard. The bond with Rahat Fateh Ali Khan helped turn the film into a super hit and gave Shreya more glory.

2012: The haunting Saans of Jab Tak Hai Jaan won awards but Chikni Chameli of Agneepath showed a whole other side of Shreyas' repertoire. The dynamite dance number has pretty completely proven that there are more than just love songs filled with emotion.

2013: The undisputed queen of Bollywood has delivered the explosive Nagada Sang Dhol of Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela, but has shown once again that nobody likes songs with dizziness better Sun Raha Hai of Aashiqui 2. The love song has connected with all those who have already been in love and have become an anthem.

2014: The singer continued to deliver great songs in different languages, but the undisputed highlight of 2014 was her superb album ghazal Humnasheen. She delivered timeless classics and showed off her incredible vocal range with songs that connected different generations. The album was so good that we can't isolate a single song.

2015: The actress has had a dream team partnership with director Sanjay Leela Bhansali since the start of her career, and they have again delivered with Deewani Mastani of Bajirao Mastani. The wonderful song won another Filmfare award at Shreya and once again demonstrated its technical genius.

2016: Singaar Ko Rehne Do was a spellbinding song on the great album Gulzar in conversation with Tagore. It was one of six beautiful compositions that Shreya sang on the LP, which saw the legendary lyricist Gulzar translate six poems and a song by Rabindranath Tagore into Hindi.

2017: Dhadkane Azad Hain is the first fully independent single delivered by Shreya and had its brand vocal brilliance. The track was another major turning point for the singer who crossed borders, who found the happy medium between classical music and commercial music.

2018: The Shreya Ghoshal-Sanjay Leela Bhansali partnership delivered again with the beautiful Ghoomar of Padmaavat, which earned him another Filmfare Award. The song was a true work of art.

2019: There are few singers in Bollywood history who could have faced the technical difficulty Ghar More Pardesiya, but Shreya did it effortlessly. The best song of 2019 has repeatedly won multiple awards and has once again raised the bar in Bollywood.

2020: It is too early in 2020 to choose a magic moment for Shreya, but the queen of Bollywood music seems to reign for the years to come. It will undoubtedly deliver more bewitching tubes.

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