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Actor-turned-teacher Tony Danza shares his classroom experience at St. John's School lunch


Many people know Tony Danza like the actor who starred in "Taxi" and "Who & # 39; s the Boss?" on the small screen. But did you know that the TV star also spent a year co-directing a grade 10 English class at Northeast High School in Philadelphia from 2009 to 2010?

Houston’s 400 Envision a Bright Future breakfasts do it.

After two years of hitting locals like Dr. Renu Khator, president of the University of Houston, and Scott McClelland, president of HEB, to deliver the keynote speech at the event , the 2020 lunch co-chairs Kelli Kickerillo and Todd Forester, Sarah and Richard Punches, and Vicky and Gordon Wight hit the road to Hollywood. And last week, spectators from St. John's School were treated to an entertaining Hollywood-style performance.

Danza began his speech by explaining the motivation behind his teaching stint.

"Arthur Miller said," Perhaps all you can do is hope that you end up with good regrets, "" he said, citing the late American playwright. "I was nearing my 60th birthday and had just lost what I thought was my dream job."

Danza therefore communicated to his friends his intentions to try his hand at education in the hope that they would hold him responsible. Then he asked Teach for America to help him get into a school. Finally, he shared his plans with a reality TV producer – and 20 minutes later, the A&E network expressed interest in creating a show based on his experience.

This is how the film crews ended up following Danza in the corridors of Northeast High School during his first semester.

"One time, I caught students cheating while examining the film," he said to the crowd with a wink. "Teach: Tony Danza" lasted one season. "After the show was canceled, I spent the rest of the year becoming the teacher my students deserved. Because they can only take English Once in 10th grade. "

In 2012 Danza published the book "I would like to apologize to every teacher I have ever had" based on his year of teaching. "These 180 days in class have given me a different perspective."

Breakthrough Houston uses a two-step approach to tackle the city's unique educational challenges: increasing academic opportunities for high-performing and underserved students and training the next generation of educators. The non-profit organization serves 700 students per year and trains more than 150 scholarship recipients and volunteers. Last summer, Breakthrough Houston opened its third location at the Gregory-Lincoln Education Center; the programs offered there, in addition to St. John & # 39; s School and Connect Community, are free.

And that is in part thanks to the support of the lunch buffs, who raised $ 200,000 for educational equity in Houston.

"It's not because they qualify for a free lunch that they aren't gifted and talented students," said executive director of Breakthrough Houston. Kathy Heinzerling before presenting to Rice University senior and teacher Daniel Koh.

Koh, in turn, underscored the importance of person-to-person contact and mentioned that the organization was looking for families from the region to welcome fellow scholars during the intensive six-week session of the ;summer.

"I have taught my students to make the most of a bad situation," said Danza in closing. "They face problems of poverty and inequality every day, and education is the only way to solve one or the other of these problems."

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