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Like Kirti Kulhari and Sahil Sehgal, these 5 Bollywood divorces left everyone in shock


Bollywood divorces have always had a bewildering effect on audiences as some of them tend to get quite ugly and dramatic. One of the latest celebrities to announce their divorce is actor Kirti Kulhari, who has taken to social media to let fans know about their decision. She has been married to Sahil Sehgal for about five years and the couple have been quite private about their relationship and marriage. As fans take a moment to digest the news, here’s a look at five other celebrity divorces that rocked the public and the industry.

Bollywood’s most shocking divorces

1. Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne Khan

The divorce of Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne Khan was one of the most controversial divisions of the time. The two celebrities were in a relationship for a long time before they tied the knot in 2000. They announced their divorce in 2014 and continued to co-parent their children while maintaining a healthy relationship. However, the situation was quite concerning and controversial at the time of the announcement with email leaks and allegations of cheating on Hrithik.

2. Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Rao

The separation of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Raos was also discussed in the city when it happened in 2004, after the couple had been together for 13 years. The storyline had gotten pretty intense with Saif Alli Khan accusing Amrita of not gelling well with her family. However, most reports suggest her closeness to Rosa Catalano has a lot to do with the decision.

3. Arbaaz Khan and Malaika Arora

Arbaaz Khan and Malaika Arora were married in 1998 and had been married for about 18 years. The couple continue to co-parent their son, Arhaan Khan, and have also enjoyed a good relationship even after their separation. The two celebrities are also seen attending various events together, maintaining their bond.

4. Ranvir Shorey and Konkona Sen Sharma

Ranvir Shorey and Konkona Sen Sharma were married in 2010. The couple filed for divorce in February 2020 after remaining married for five years. According to a News18 report, the couple broke up on a friendly note and have had a respectable relationship ever since.

5. Karisma Kapoor and Sunjay Kapur

The divorce of Karisma Kapoor and Sunjay Kapurs is one of the most controversial divisions in Bollywood. The two celebrities had been married for 11 years after being tied in 2003 and had decided to separate in 2014. The situation was rather grim because Karisma Kapoor had accused her ex-husband of physical violence. She also obtained custody of her two children, Samiera and Kiaan.

Image Courtesy: Karisma Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan Instagram

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