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‘SNL’ Cold Open Hits Over Lil Nas X, Pepe Le Pew & Matt Gaetz Controversies


9:20 p.m. PDT 04/03/2021


Sharareh Drury

“Judas and the Black Messiah” star Daniel Kaluuya makes his debut this week with St. Vincent as a guest musical.

Following the trend of the cold open from last week, Saturday Night Liveopted for a new sketch of the TV show to address this week’s mix of news and controversy.

Instead of a game show, SNL opted for a fictional talk show hosted by Britney Spears (played by Chloe Fineman) titled “Oops You Did It Again”. Fineman’s Spears explained that the show “shines a light on the outcasts of the week” and after speaking with all of his guests, Spears would determine who is “innocent or not so innocent.”

Fineman-as-Spears had a whole list to go through with rapper Lil Nas X (played by Chris Redd),Looney Tunes character Pep Le Pew, (played by Kate McKinnon) and Rep. Matt Gaetz (played by Pete Davidson).

The show’s first guest was Redd’s Lil Nas X, who Fineman-as-Spears said “was attacked by the rare combo of the Catholic Church and Nike” after the debut of his music video “Montero (Call Me By Your Name) ”and a shoe collaboration that contains human blood.

Redd’s Lil Nas confirmed that there was indeed blood in each of his controversial shoes, but added that he was following Nike’s tagline. “Their all is to do it. I did it.” As for the review of his latest clip in which the rapper slips on a stripper pole in hell and twerks on Satan, Redd’s Lil Nas said, “People are afraid of me because I’m different, but really I I’m just your typical gay, black, country, rap sneaker entrepreneur. I put my pants on like everyone else: one guy with no ass at a time. “

He also noted that the Satan in his video is not the real devil because “the real Satan doesn’t make music videos”.

Kate McKinnon’s Pep Le Pew came on the show to discuss the reasons they were removed from appearing in Space Jam 2. “I would kiss you all the way on your arm,” McKinnon’s Le Pew told Fineman’s Spears, but remembered that this was inappropriate behavior.

When asked what his role was in the 1996 hit comedy sequel, McKinnon’s Le Pew explained, “My role was, I see a basketball in a blonde wig and I’m doing it. love for 10 to 15 minutes before LeBron James slaps me on the back and says, ‘Bro, that’s a basketball.’ “

McKinnon’s Pew admitted they were in treatment for sex addiction, but noted that they should not be seen as someone who promotes “a culture of aggression.” The fictional skunk said, “I’m an actor. The part you see me playing on TV and in movies isn’t me. I would love to be at a point in my career where I could turn down projects but there aren’t many parts for an old French skunk. Parts go to me and Grard Depardieu, and if you think I’m the problem, I have two words for you: Speedy Gonzales. And you won’t. Haven’t heard from me but the FBI is 99% sure Yosemite Sam was in the Capitol Riots. “

The show’s final guest was Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, played by Pete Davidson, whom Fineman-as-Spears described as “a hot mess” and “a sex pest in his own right.”

Fineman’s Spears described Gaetz’s recent controversial headlines as “so incredibly Florida” and “weird” that she needed some clarification.

“You were dating a 17-year-old girl and you took her on a trip along state lines? The prostitutes said you took ecstasy and slept with them in hotel rooms in Florida? And your Republican colleagues in Congress say you showed them nude photos of women you were sleeping with? ” she asked.

Davidson-as-Gaetz was uncomfortable “allegedly” responding to complaints but Fineman-as-Spears did not buy it. The singer noted that she could spot a teenage predator when she saw one because “after all, I was at the Mickey Mouse Club.”

At the end of the show, the pop culture singer delivered her verdicts to the three guests. Fineman’s Spears found Lil Nas X innocent, Le Pew “not so innocent”, and for Gaetz, she concluded that she couldn’t legally call him innocent or guilty. Instead, she encouraged her audience to “judge him by her face.”

Get out and Judas and the Black Messiah Star Daniel Kaluuya makes his debut as a host this week with St. Vincent as a musical guest.

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